A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) Read online

Page 9

  “I know, but it doesn’t mean I can’t tell my Matched she’s the loveliest woman in New York City.”

  I tried to hide my smile but the doors of the elevator closed, and he saw my reflection. “Jerk.” I hung my head hoping my hair would hide it.

  He chuckled. “Let’s eat.” He patted my hip, and I hit the ‘door open’ button.

  He didn’t hold my hand as we approached our friends and went in. Amaya told the hostess there were three of us, forcing Oliver and Thaddeus to get their own table.

  “Looks like Prince Perfect and you made up,” Amaya said looking at the menu.

  I ignored her comment. There was no point in telling her anything, she was mad at the world right now. I turned the conversation to Gia since this was her weekend, and I was going to make it special for her. Gia told us she did some research and wanted to check out five different dress shops.

  We ordered our food as she tried to describe what she was looking for. Gia’s party was going to be a formal party. She wanted it like a prom, in a sense. Unit didn’t have proms because we couldn’t dance with guys, so there was no point. However, we had always hoped to have something similar to that.

  Amaya and I both said that we needed to look for something too. It was our first real formal party also. Of course, I wanted to check out the fabulous shoes. I told myself I wouldn’t buy more than two pairs. Well, maybe three.

  We continued to talk about clothes, fashion, and before we knew it, we yawned. It had been a long day. We called the waiter over to get the bill, but Oliver already took care of it.

  All five of us headed back to our rooms. Gia and I thanked Oliver for dinner, but Amaya didn’t say anything to him.

  I was in the bathroom changing to get ready for bed when my phone buzzed.

  Thaddeus: Maybe I over reacted a little bit when you said you were coming up here.

  Me: A little bit? I smiled at the display.

  Thaddeus: I’m sorry. I just didn’t want anything to happen to you.

  I bounced on my toes. He apologized.

  Me: I understand. Thank you & your apology is accepted =)

  Gia was already asleep when I crawled into the same bed. Amaya was a bed hog, and neither one of us slept near her.

  “What are you doing up?” I whispered to Amaya. She was playing on her phone.

  “Playing a game.”

  “Are you okay?” I sat on the side of the bed. “I mean really, are you okay?” I repeated.

  She put her phone down and shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t plan any of this. I should have left when I became of age.”

  “I hate to say it because I’d miss you, but you can still leave,” I told her, sadly.

  “I know.” She wiped the wetness from her eyes.

  “Have you.” I wasn’t sure how to say it to her. “Have you thought about giving Oliver a chance? I mean, I didn’t know he could yell.” I softly giggled.

  “He seems to do that a lot around me.” Amaya sniffed. “Maybe I could try.”

  I held her hand. I know Amaya is stubborn, but I know that she’s a good person and just having a hard time.

  “Let’s get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow.” I put on my cheerful face hoping she buys it.

  “Yep, it’s Gia’s day.” She smiled back.


  “Three stores.” Gia looked like she was about to cry. “What am I going to do?”

  “It’s fine. There’s still two more to go to,” I said putting my arm around her shoulder.

  “We’re not leaving New York until you find a dress,” Amaya added.

  Thaddeus and Oliver were trailing behind us as we walked through Times Square heading to the next store.

  “Is this a sign? Like does this mean I’m not going to be Matched?” Gia gasped with her hands over her mouth.

  “It’s a sign that Vera Wang doesn’t have her fall line out yet,” Amaya quipped at her causing all of us to laugh. “I have a good feeling about the next store.”

  “Me too.” I agree with Amaya.

  We both grabbed Gia’s hand and skipped to the store like little girls.

  We were dying laughing walking into the store and people were looking at us, but we didn’t care.

  We headed to the racks as Thaddeus and Oliver sat down on the couches. I was surprised that they didn’t complain one bit. They haven’t said anything really.

  “Xaviera, I found you one,” Gia said across the aisle holding up a cloud of pink material.

  “Oooo that has you written all over it,” Amaya cooed.

  “Give it to me.” I reached for it running into the dressing room.

  I shimmied out of my clothes and into the dress. “Oh man,” I whined.

  “What’s wrong?” Gia said in the room next to me.

  “Too short,” I moaned. I looked at the beautiful pink sequins and material. I hated that I couldn’t wear it. I slipped it off putting my original clothes back on.

  I went back out and searched some more not finding anything.

  “Xaviera,” Amaya called me back over to the dressing room. “She found it.”

  I gasped running back over to them. “Let’s see.”

  Amaya jerked the curtain back, and my mouth dropped. Gia’s dress was midnight blue. The sequins were heavy on the top and faded as they went down. It was tight but at her hips it flowed out all the way to the ground.

  “Wow,” was all I could get out.

  “You need a diamond headband,” Amaya said running past me to get one. She found one and Gia slipped it on. “Perfect.”

  “One problem,” Gia pointed to her shoulders. The dress was strapless.

  “Oh.” It was my turn to run away from her to the corner of the store. I stared at the wall until I found the perfect one. I raced back to her hearing Thaddeus chuckle as I pass him. “Here.” I hand her a shawl.

  She placed it around her bare shoulders, and the dark material hid any shed of skin from the eye. “I found my dress.” Gia jumped up and down, and we squealed.

  “Great, let’s eat. I’m starving,” Amaya said. She tugged the curtain back in place. We went to the couches, and I collapsed next to Thaddeus.

  “We good?” he asked not looking up from his phone.

  “Yes.” I lay my head back, exhausted.

  “No,” Amaya said. “We need shoes. Plus, we haven’t found a dress, yet.”

  “Well, let’s go to that last store Gia had on her list,” I suggested. “But first…food.”

  Gia paid for everything and asked the cashier the best place to eat close by. She said there was a deli where everyone ate, and we headed that way.

  The sandwich shop smelled like fresh bread, and my stomach growled loudly. Again, Oliver paid for all of our food, and we found a large booth for us to sit. Gia sat between Amaya and me, and Oliver sat by Amaya, and Thaddeus sat by me.

  Thaddeus’ leg was right against mine, and I felt him hook his leg around mine making me catch my breath. He continued to eat as if he wasn’t doing anything at all. I tried to focus on my food.

  Amaya began to talk about the dress that she wanted. I kept tuning her out because Thaddeus’ leg was still on mine.

  When we finished eating, we were only a few blocks from the next store. Gia was so excited about her dress, and I couldn’t be happier for her. I was pretty joyous about her party myself.

  “Hey, are you guys wearing tuxes?” I asked Oliver and Thaddeus.

  “Yes,” they both say.

  “It said it was black tie on the invite,” Thaddeus added.

  My heart flipped at the thought of seeing him in a suit of that stature.

  The last store was a big hit for Amaya and me. We both found dresses. Amaya’s is a deep purple—that almost matched her highlights—floor length chiffon ball gown. It already is styled with capped sleeves, so she doesn’t need to have anything to accessorize with it.

  Mine is different. It is bright red with layers of sequins on it. The dress itself stops mid-t
high, but the saving grace is there is a layer of thick, sheer material under it that goes to the floor. I will add a shawl and decided I would wear my hair down with it.

  I didn’t let Thaddeus see the dress. I wanted it to be a surprise. Plus, I made sure that he didn’t pay for it; although Amaya let Oliver pay for hers. I didn’t understand why she did it, but then again, Amaya and a lot of her actions are hard to understand.

  We left the store with new energy buzzing around us. I always love shopping. When I complete a purchase or see myself in a dazzling outfit my self-confidence rises, and I feel brand new again.

  As we were walking down the street, I wasn’t really listening to Gia talking about sightseeing tomorrow. I was gazing around me. New York City was full of life. Sure, it was crowded and smelled, but it was bubbling of rich history and adventures.

  “Oh my word.” I stopped dead in my tracks causing Amaya to crash into me. I caught the vision out of the corner of my eye. I spun around and saw it.

  Manolo Blahniks.

  It was their store.

  Their store of shoes.

  I gawked at the pair in the window. They were red heels which laced at the ankles. They were the most gorgeous things I’d ever seen.

  “Really, Xaviera?” Amaya mumbled behind me. “Like you can afford those?”

  Before I could spin around and tell her that I could, Thaddeus jumped to my rescue. “If she wants them, she’ll have them.” He stared her down.

  “Well, Prince Perfect is now Prince Money Bags,” she barked back at him.

  “Hey, didn’t Oliver buy your dress?” Gia interjected coming to my rescue.

  “He’s my Matched.” She thumbed at him. “That’s his job.”

  “And Xaviera’s my Matched,” Thaddeus barked at her taking my hand leading me into the store.

  The store attendant came over to us asking if we needed help.

  “We need to see that pair of shoes in a size seven, please,” Thaddeus politely asked taking me over to the chairs to sit down.

  “Thaddeus, you don’t have to do this. She doesn’t mean it. She’s upset,” I told him quietly as the girls walked in.

  “I don’t care about her.” He nodded his head over to Amaya. “If she’s your friend she shouldn’t treat you the way she does. On top of that,” he leaned in closer, “you’re her Princess and future Queen. She needs to treat her position and you with respect.”

  The attendant brought the shoes to me and helped me slip into them. She pointed me to the mirror, and I stood up.

  It was like a cloud was around my feet as I studied them in my reflection. They were stunning on my feet, and I wanted them so badly.

  “How much are they?” I asked hating the fact that Amaya was probably right, and I couldn’t afford them. Just because I had a title, and a future queen doesn’t mean I didn’t have a budget.

  “$1095,” she said without blinking an eye.

  “Um,” was the only coherent thing I could say as I gingerly walked back to my seat praying I wouldn’t scuff them.

  “We’ll take them,” Thaddeus said when the attendant removed them from my feet.

  My mouth dropped. I couldn’t let him get those. There was no way. “Thaddeus,” I whispered while she took the shoes to the counter.

  “Stop. Don’t say anything.” He stepped close to my ear. “Your face lit up when you saw those shoes. I don’t care how much they cost; it’s worth seeing that smile. I’ve only seen it one other time.”


  “The day I kissed you.” He lightly brushed his soft lips against my cheek and he took my hand.

  Amaya was standing near the counter when she heard the total amount for the shoes. She gave me a mean look, and I couldn’t understand what the reason was for that. Thaddeus carried the bag with my shoes in it, and we headed back outside.

  None of us really said anything as we headed back to the hotel. Amaya’s face said everything I wanted to know; she was mad and there’s no doubt about it.

  The boys went to their room while we went to ours. I caught Gia’s glance to her, and then she rolled her eyes. I thought Amaya was carrying her distaste for Oliver a little far. She really did need to give it a true chance. I think Gia was feeling the same way. Amaya was slamming and banging all around the room putting her items away.

  Gia set her bags on the bed and went over to the adjoining door knocking on it loudly. “Could you two come over here?” she asked Thaddeus, who opened the door. Oliver and he walked into our room.

  “Oliver, I’m sorry to ask you this because I know that you’ve been walking all over this city with us, but I think it’s time to go home. Could we leave tonight? Like right now?” Gia crossed her arms, and I could hear the sadness in her voice.

  “Are you sure? I thought you wanted to sightsee tomorrow.” Oliver asked.

  “No, I’m sick and tired of Amaya’s attitude.” Gia told them matter-of-factly.

  “Hey,” Amaya whined.

  “I don’t want to hear it, Amaya.” Gia, who has never raised her voice, shouted at her. “You haven’t been happy since we left Unit.” She stepped up closer to her. “All I wanted was one weekend with my two best friends. I was so excited about this. I hoped to hold on to one fantastic memory. Soon, it will all be Unit business and protect our people with Xaviera. But, no, you want to be mad at the world because you didn’t get your way. I thought for once that you would have put aside your bitchiness for me.” Gia’s face was full of hurt, and I saw a single tear fall.

  Amaya hung her head. I wasn’t sure if it was the embarrassment from Gia’s words, or if she realized that she was really ruining this weekend, or both.

  “Princess?” Oliver looked over to me waiting for the order. Even though it was Gia’s weekend, I was still their Princess. I nodded to him. “We’ll pack up then.” Oliver looked between the three of us before heading across the threshold to their room. Thaddeus followed him.

  Gia grabbed her bag and began putting her clothes into it. Amaya was still staring at her feet. I decided that we were really leaving, and I got my bag ready to pack.

  “Okay, stop.” Amaya raised her head. “We’re not leaving yet. I’m sorry.”

  “You seemed to be saying that a lot.” Gia’s deadpanned voice echoed in the room.

  “Alright, I get it. I’ve been a little selfish lately. I’m just as sad as you two are about our lives changing.” She sniffed as a tear fell from her eye.

  “How about this?” I took Gia’s hand and reached for Amaya’s. She laced her fingers in mine, and I guided her over to where we were standing. “Let’s finish this weekend on a high note. We’ll have a great dinner tonight wherever Gia wants, and then tomorrow we’ll be the three biggest tourists this city has ever seen. Deal?”

  “Deal,” Amaya’s voice was more cheerful.

  We both look at Gia, who smiled. “Deal.”

  “See, and we didn’t even need Gia to tell us to be happy.” I smiled at them.

  Amaya told the boys that we were staying, and we all ended up resting before getting ready for dinner.

  Dinner had been the most fun I had in a long time. We told stories of our childhood, silly things we loved growing up and a passion for reality TV shows. My throat hurt I was laughing so much at them.

  When we finished, Oliver paid again, and we traveled back up to our rooms. The three of us stayed up late still enjoying our time together. Amaya finally asked the question that Gia had been dreading, who did she think her Matched was?

  “I really don’t know. I’ve thought of everyone and anyone, and I can’t seem to think of whom my parents would have picked,” she said sadly.

  “You really thought it was Oliver didn’t you?” Amaya asked.

  She nodded.

  “Well, don’t feel bad about it, I thought mine was going to be Thaddeus. Heck, we’ve all been wrong. But I’m sure your mom and dad picked well for you.” Amaya hugged her tightly.

  “You know,” Gia sat back down on
the bed, “Oliver and you seemed pretty good together. I mean, have you tried to give it a chance?”

  “Truthfully, no I haven’t really given him a fair shot. And,” she leaned in closer to us, “I was a little turned on when he yelled at me.”

  We all burst into a fit of laughter.

  “Anyway,” Amaya said when we calmed down. “I’m going to take Xaviera’s advice and when I get back to Unit I will really try.” She smiled. “I mean, it’s working out for Thaddeus and you, right?”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “I think we’re doing okay.” I saw in Amaya’s face a hint of anger before she quickly recovered with a smile.

  “Well, that’s great. Let’s hit the bed, girls, we’re going to have a busy day tomorrow.”

  We agreed and turned off the light.


  The Statue of Liberty, the Met, the New York City Library, if it was a landmark, we saw it.

  “Okay, what’s the last place on your list?” I asked biting into my soft pretzel.

  “Empire State Building, and then we have seen it all.” Gia’s face was as bright as the sun. She was having a blast, and I couldn’t help feeling the same way. Gia deserved it. She didn’t always have the greatest home life, but she didn’t talk about it a lot either.

  We finished our snacks as we walked to the building. Thaddeus and Oliver were real troopers this time because we were constantly making them take pictures of us in front of everything. They never complained at any request.

  The elevator ride to the top kept making me nervous. I’d never been the biggest fan of heights. It seemed strange to me because I wanted to travel so much and that required an airplane the majority of the time.

  We reached the top, and it was breathtaking. My eyes couldn’t understand what I was seeing, but it was beautiful. Thaddeus took several pictures of us, and we gawked at everything. Amaya was braver than I was and looked over the side. Even Gia peeked. I stepped away from the side. My stomach jumped just thinking about it, so I knew not to look at all.

  I felt Thaddeus taking my hand and lead me to the other side of the building.

  “We haven’t really had a moment alone,” he said.

  “It’s Gia’s weekend,” I reminded him.