A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) Read online

Page 8

  “Why?” Gia looked at her confused.

  “Um, did you forget your birthday is in less than three weeks?” Amaya asked.

  “Trust me, I haven’t forgotten.” Gia sipped her espresso.

  “Did you find a dress?” I asked.

  “Mom and I searched all of Vermont and nothing. I swear I should just wear an Idaho potato sack.”

  “Hey, let’s go to New York City.” Amaya’s face lights up like the sun.

  “What?” Gia and I said at the same time, shocked by her suggestion.

  “Yes. When finals are over, we could leave on Friday and spend the weekend in N-Y-C.” Her eyes became bigger with the idea.

  “We just can’t go to New York,” Gia said.

  “Yes. We. Can,” Amaya pronounced each word firmly. “Xaviera and I are Matched. We’d be like your chaperones or something? Plus, I’m her Protector and you can make sure everyone keeps their emotions in check. If things get bad, then Xaviera can create a tornado and wipe it all out. Come on.” Amaya was bouncing in her seat. “Ask your parents tonight and let me know. We’ll get a hotel and have a girl’s weekend.”

  “Well.” I bite my lip. “That actually sounds like fun.” I looked at Gia. “I mean we’ve never done that and this summer has been a killer for school. My parents might say yes.” I shrugged unsure.

  “There are a lot of different shops then what we have here, and I’m sure that I could find something,” she paused still thinking it over. “I’ll ask, but I can’t promise anything.”

  Amaya squealed in delight. “This is exactly what I need. Let’s go ask now.” She grabbed her purse and bolted out the door.


  I had to wait for dinner to ask Mom and Dad. They both were very hesitant, but I got them to agree to talk to Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Roberts before making a decision.

  Dad ended the conversation with, “We’ll see,” and it was the best I could ask for.

  When I was cleaning up the kitchen, I heard Mom answering the door. I didn’t think much about it until the smell of the ocean surrounded me, and Thaddeus was standing next to me.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked drying my hands.

  “Thought I’d take my Matched for a late night stroll? I haven’t seen you in several days.” Thaddeus touched my cheek.

  “Let me grab my tennis shoes.” I went to the laundry room, laced up my shoes, and told my parents I was going out with Thaddeus.

  He took my hand, and we went to his dad’s Jeep that was in my driveway. He had the top and sides off, and we headed out of Unit. Because he had to shift gears, he couldn’t hold my hand the whole time, which was good because I had to hold my hair down from the wind.

  When arrived at the city park, I tried my best to smooth out my hair, but it was no use.

  “I thought we were taking a stroll not going through a wind tunnel,” I complained.

  “You look beautiful.” He helped push my hair out of my face. “And this is a stroll.”

  We walked the path around the park as the sun set. Thaddeus told me that his client was in town, and he was a little nervous about the meeting.

  “Thaddeus.” I blocked his path. “You’ll be great. I know it.”

  “Thank you.” He leaned in to kiss me, but I stepped back. I wanted him to kiss me. I’ve thought about that kiss every single day. “Something wrong?”

  “We’re in a park. In public.” Yes, in Unit Matched couples showed affection, but I didn’t feel comfortable yet. “Sorry.” I hung my head.

  “I understand.” He reached for my hand, and we continued to walk the path. “Tell me about your day.”

  I told him all about school, homework, and my finals coming up. “Oh, and the girls and I are thinking about a girl’s weekend in New York City.”

  It was his turn to stop me. “What?”

  “Amaya, Gia, and I might be going down there to shop. We asked our parents but none of us got a definite ‘yes’ from any of them,” I explained. I looked at his face and all I saw was anger. “What is it?”

  “You’re not going to New York City with Amaya.” His tone was serious and firm.

  “Excuse me?” I stepped back from him. I thought I heard him correctly, but I wasn’t sure how to take it.

  “The answer is no.” Thaddeus’ eyes bore into mine.

  I crossed my arms as I became upset with his words. “If my parents say ‘yes’, than I’m going with my friends. I’m your Princess.”

  “I’m your Matched.” He took the same pose as I did. “You’re not going if she is going. You see how she acts here, could you even imagine her in New York City? With no parents or Unit citizens around her? I highly doubt that you can control her.” The rage in his eyes was becoming more pronounced.

  “You can’t tell me what to do,” I informed him.

  “The hell I can’t.” He towered over me. “I’m your Matched, and I said so.”

  I shut my mouth tight. I’ve never felt my temper rise like this. I felt like I was on fire, and I could see the smoke from my fingertips. I crossed my arms, not backing down this time. “How dare you, Thaddeus? I might be your Matched but you don’t own me. I’m not a pair of shoes. If I want to go to with my friends I’ll go, and I’m going to New York.”

  “I forbid it.” Thaddeus’ teeth were clinched tight. The clouds were growing dark around us, and I could see his jaw popping.

  “Let me inform you of something Thaddeus Edwards, you can forbid a tree to grow, but it’s going to. I’m going on this girl’s weekend, and you can’t stop me.”

  We stood on that path staring each other down. We didn’t say anything and never broke our connection. I could feel the wind pick up between us. After a full two minutes, I finally told him to take me home.

  “Fine,” he growled at me, and we stalked back to the Jeep.

  When Thaddeus dropped me off in front of my house, I jumped out before he could come around, and I ran up to the house. I slammed the door not even saying as much as a ‘goodbye’ to him.

  I didn’t speak to my parents and went to my room. Who does he think he is? I’m not his possession. I’m his Matched. If he thinks he can control me, he doesn’t know me at all. I fell on my bed.

  Great, in a matter of a week, I had my first kiss and argument with my Matched. I rolled over and put my pillow over my face, wishing the world away.


  I wasn’t sure what today would bring when I opened my eyes. I didn’t sleep well last night because I couldn’t get Thaddeus and the fight we had out of my mind. I was so mad that I almost called Gia to come over and control my emotions.

  After cleaning up, I put on the most comfortable clothes that I owned. I had planned to study all day. Finals were upon us next week, and I needed to be prepared.

  When I went downstairs I didn’t see Mom or Dad, but I did notice that a large box of Lucky Charms is on the table.

  Finals Fuel, Love Mom

  I love her. She knew exactly what I needed to get this day started. After making a large bowl, I headed into the TV room. I laid out the work in front of me on the table, ready to start it. I flipped on the TV to a music channel and blasted it through the surround sound.

  I finished most of the studying in a couple of hours, and then I worked on my project. It was finished and I was touching it up. I wanted to keep my grades up.

  With all the reading and reviewing, my brain let me forget the argument with Thaddeus. Maybe I should call him, so he could apologize to me? He shouldn’t have treated me that way. We might be Matched, but he wasn’t going to take me away from my friends, or tell me where I can go. I thought about Mom and Dad’s relationship. I don’t remember Dad doing anything like that to Mom.

  I shut the TV off and picked up my phone. I saw two text messages. One from Gia and the other from Amaya. Both of their parents said they could go if there was a chaperone.


  Who would do that?

  Well, that means mine would say the sa
me thing too.

  “Xaviera,” I heard Mom call for me.

  I got up with my phone and headed to her. She was standing in the kitchen in a fashionable wrapped dress with her hair pinned up.

  “I talked to the girls’ moms,” she said.

  “I figured. They sent me texts about having someone go with us.” I flopped onto the chair.

  “Don’t be pouty. I know that you’re not a small child, but you’ve never been to a big city like that, and I have no problems saying that I want you to be safe. You’re also of Royal blood and you will be protected,” Mom’s voice was serious. I understood what she meant, but I wasn’t happy about it.

  “I know, but I don’t know anyone that would be able to do it in such a short time.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that because I took care of it. I have booked the room and made sure it was a safe area. You’ll leave on Friday after your last final and come back Monday afternoon.” Mom was precise on her plan.

  “Who did you get to go with us?” I was curious who would agree to go with us to New York City to go shopping.

  Mom winked. “Just someone.”

  “Oh no,” I moaned. The only ones I could figure it would be were our dad’s or maybe the moms. Having my mom would be awesome, but I can’t imagine Gia’s or Amaya’s with us. They weren’t as cool as Mom. “When will we find out?”

  Mom shrugged leaving the room.

  “Well, crap,” I mumbled. I got up from the table and headed back to the TV room.

  I sent a mass text to the girls. Even though they were excited, they knew it would be a parent who would go.

  My phone alerted me of a text and I thought it was one of my girls, but it wasn’t.

  Thaddeus: We need to talk.

  Me: Are you going to apologize?

  Thaddeus: I didn’t say anything wrong

  Me: Yes you did, and I’m not going to talk to you until you say ‘sorry’.

  I threw my phone on the couch and focused back on the music from the TV.


  I should have known that, deep down, he was this way. I knew that it wasn’t totally true. I saw the tender side of him, and I know that he was just worried about me, but I’m not a baby. Okay, I hadn’t been to New York before, but I needed some experiences in my life before we were official.

  Did I really think that?

  Thaddeus and I have only been Matched for almost a month. We didn’t have to make a decision like that right now.

  I had thought about it all my life; finding my Matched and being together. Then when I finished high school, and I was closer to eighteen, I started thinking about my life outside of Unit.

  I thought I could travel, see what the world was like outside of Vermont and experience everything. I didn’t leave because of my parents. I know this, and I believe they did too.

  Now, I’m Matched.


  I’ve had the worst week of my college and personal life. My finals, my professors, and my project almost made me pull my hair out. It was insane the lack of sleep I’ve had to make sure I had everything done and knew all the material.

  On top of that, I had to work an extra shift at the bank. Plus, Thaddeus and I hadn’t talked since Sunday. Mom asked me what was going on, and I told her everything that happened.

  Of course, she laughed and told me to give him some time that he’d come around. She explained that Dad was a little possessive when they first got together. It was all about compromise, and we were still new in our relationship.

  Friday finally came and none of our parents would tell us who the chaperone is. Mom told the girls and me to be at my house, and we would leave from there.

  “I’m ready, let’s hit it,” Amaya yelled coming through the back door with Gia.

  “We’re still waiting,” I said coming down the stairs with my bag.

  “I think it’s my mom. She’s very slow and always late,” Gia said.

  “Girls, time to go,” Mom announced from the living room.

  “Thank you Mother Nature, it’s your mom,” Amaya sighed in relief, as did I.

  We all strolled to the front door when the one person I didn’t want to see was standing there.

  “What are you doing here?” I shouted.

  “Looks like Oliver and I are going to New York City,” Thaddeus said. He crossed his tight, muscular arms across his chest. His dark blue t-shirt brought out the brightness in his eyes, and I couldn’t help as my eyes traveled to his light color jeans.

  “No,” Amaya said next to me. “No way.” I finally noticed Oliver standing on the other side of Mom.

  “I order you both to leave,” I yelled at them both as Amaya snickered.

  “Xaviera, Amaya, it’s them or you’re not going,” Mom said firmly. “And don’t think I can’t pull rank on you, Princess.”

  “It’s okay, we don’t have to go,” Gia’s voice was quiet, and she hung her head.

  I looked at Amaya, and she stared at me. This was for Gia. It was her twentieth birthday. She had been there for us every step through our process, and we both knew that she was really looking forward to this trip.

  Amaya stepped in front of her. “If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t go,” she said in a low tone, hoping no one knew she had a good side. “You’re carrying my bag, Oliver.” She turned on her heels tossing her bag to him, sashaying out the door and tossing another glare at Thaddeus.

  “Come on, Gia, let’s go get the best dress in the history of Unit.” I hooked my arm around hers, not saying anything to or even looking at Thaddeus as we headed out.

  Oliver’s sleek black Escalade was in my driveway, and Amaya was standing there tapping her foot waiting for us. After the three of us piled into the back, Thaddeus jumped in the passenger seat.

  Nothing was said until we hit the interstate and we were almost halfway through the road trip.

  “So how did you two get roped into this?” Amaya asked.

  “We volunteered,” Oliver answered.

  Amaya rolled her eyes taking off her jacket. Gia and I looked at her like she was losing her mind. Her shoulders were bare because her dress has thin straps.

  I was about to tell her to put it back on, but I was cut off.

  “Amaya put your jacket back on,” Oliver ordered.

  She ignored him.

  “Amaya,” his voice was firmer.

  She crossed her arms, challenging him to do something.

  He did.

  Oliver jerked the SUV over two lanes of traffic, causing Gia and me to scream out. When he reached the shoulder, he slammed on the brakes and threw it into park. He undid his seatbelt and turned around to her.

  “Put it on or we’re going back. We may not be in Unit, but you’re still my Matched,” he yelled at her loudly.

  Gia shrunk into my side. Oliver, the nice, quiet one shouted at Amaya. His face was like stone, and when I glanced at Thaddeus he was looking straight ahead, not even fazed by what was happening.

  “How dare you talk to me like that?” Amaya hissed.

  “Put. It. On,” he growled right back at her without breaking the stare down they were having.

  Amaya finally conceded and put it on. I never saw her face red from anger before. Once it was on, Oliver turned around and headed back onto the interstate.

  The next three hours not a single word was uttered in the vehicle. The only thing that was around us was the tension. We made to our hotel, and the guys unloaded the car. Thaddeus checked us in, and the boys’ room was adjoining ours.

  Amaya threw her bag on the first bed and ripped her jacket off too. “I hate him so much.”

  “He did have a point.” Gia defended him.

  Amaya narrowed her eyes at her. “I know this is your weekend, but let me vent for a moment, before you rescue Mr. You-Think-He’s-Perfect.”

  “It’s not—” Gia started, but Amaya cut her off.

  “We all know that you have a thing for Oliver, don’t lie.”

sp; “Amaya,” I stopped her. “Enough. Let’s just make the best of this weekend, okay?”

  “Fine,” she huffed falling back on the bed.

  Gia and I unpacked and freshened up. I text Mom and Dad letting them know that we made it. We decided that we were hungry and the hotel’s restaurant was still open.

  “Should we tell the wardens?” Amaya nodded to the adjoining door. “I can’t believe I’m a Protector to the Royal bloodline and I have a babysitter,” she was mumbling.

  Gia knocked on the door. Thaddeus answered. “We’re going downstairs.”

  “Okay,” was all he said, and shut the door.

  “Does that mean we can go?” Gia asked.

  I shrugged.

  Amaya scoffed. “Well, I’m going.” She grabbed her jacket and purse. We followed her and when we were waiting at the elevator, the boys came up behind us not saying anything.

  “I feel like a Kardashian,” Amaya said stepping into the elevator.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because we have fans following us around. All we need is a few paparazzi and it’ll be set.”

  I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me, and Gia did too.

  A couple of floors down the doors opened, and I had to step back when someone else got into the elevator. When I did, my back was against Thaddeus’ chest. I could smell the ocean around me. I felt his hand on my hip, and my body betrayed me sending a shiver through me. Through the reflection of the elevator wall I saw the small smirk on his face.

  I was still mad at him. I wasn’t going to back down until he realized he couldn’t control me. He squeezed my hip, and I did everything not to moan out. He’d never touched me there before. It was intimate, something I hadn’t experienced any other time with him. Yes, our kiss was something I still couldn’t put into words, but he held my face. He never touched me anywhere else but my hand.

  I remained calm as we reached the ground floor. Everyone walked out, but Thaddeus held me in place.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered in my ear.

  “I’m still mad,” I said upset at myself as my voice filled with the lust that I was feeling for him.