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A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) Page 5
A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) Read online
Page 5
Amaya’s face was red with embarrassment, hurt, and anger, but she didn’t say anything. She turned on her heels and started walking to her car.
“We’ll watch them until they get in the car,” Graham said keeping their distance behind the girls.
Thaddeus towered over me and I wished I wasn’t outside of Unit, or I would open up the ground and let it swallow me up. “We may still be in the decision period, but I won’t be made a fool, Xaviera.”
“I swear I wasn’t doing that. I was trying to get her to leave. I promise, Thaddeus.” I could feel the tears building in my eyes.
“Let’s get back to Unit.” He stalked to his car as I tried my best to keep up with his long strides. He was waiting for me with the car door opened when I finally reached it.
The ride home was quiet and filled with tension that my ears were ringing by the time we reached my driveway.
Thaddeus shut the car off but didn’t get out. “I know I shouldn’t say this, but I don’t like Amaya. It’s one thing to leave Unit, but it’s another to stay and be disrespectful of the Rules,” he said.
“Isn’t that what we’re doing?” I questioned.
“No,” he stated firmly. “We’re trying to make our Matched work. If it doesn’t, then we’ll leave Unit. We’re not sitting in a food court, flirting, and shopping in inappropriate places.”
“You were following us?”
“I was there and happened to see the store you went into,” he clarified.
I fell quiet again knowing that he was right. He got out of the car and came around to open my door. He walked me up to my front door and stopped. “Are you going to tell my parents?” My voice sounded like a child who was just caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
“You weren’t doing anything wrong. I know that. There’s no need to tell them.” He left me on the porch. I didn’t go inside until I couldn’t see his taillights anymore.
“Xaviera, did you have fun shopping?” Mom asked as I came into the house.
“It was interesting,” I said honestly sitting next to her on the couch.
“Well, as long as you had a good time.” She patted my knee.
“I think I’m going to do some homework. Love you, Mom.” I got up and headed up the stairs.
I changed out of my clothes still gazing at my heels. I slipped on my pajamas and started my homework.
I was deep into reading my medical terminology book when my phone alerted me of a text. I was figuring it was Amaya, but it wasn’t her.
Thaddeus: I should have told you that you looked good in the heels.
I smile crept on my face and my cheeks heated up.
Me: Thank you. My Matched got them for me.
Was I…flirting?
Oh my word, I was.
Thaddeus: He must be a nice guy.
Me: If he isn’t mad at me, he is.
Thaddeus: I wasn’t mad at you. Dinner? Tomorrow @ 6?
Me: Kk
Thaddeus: Dress casual
I shut my book because I knew I wouldn’t be able to concentrate. I laid on my bed thinking about the day and about my Matched.
I was surprised that Amaya picked me up for classes, but nothing was said about the incident at the mall. Instead, she continued talking about her birthday. Her parents had decided to have it in the park as a pot luck lunch that way there would be a wide variety of food for everyone.
When I got home from school, I jumped in the shower and started getting ready for my evening with Thaddeus.
I put on a pair of wide leg black pants with a red, three quarter length sleeve shirt that was lightweight and tight around my midsection. I added red matching peep toe boots. I left my hair down with a few curls and light makeup.
“Xaviera,” Dad yelled up the stairs. “Thaddeus is here.”
I checked my watch. He was early. “Be right down.” I slapped on some lip gloss with one hand trying to clasp my earring with the other. Then, I fluffed my hair one more time before trotting down the stairs.
Thaddeus was standing with Dad in the kitchen. This time he has on a light pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, with a yellow plaid shirt over that. Of course, he had on his black boots. However, I was a little sad not to see his glasses. I really liked the way he looked in them.
“Now, you kids have fun.” Dad hugged me before leaving us alone.
“I guess you’re ready?” Thaddeus’ deep voice made the nervous butterflies in my stomach flutter.
“Do I look okay? You said casual.”
“You look fine.”
Again, with the fine.
We leave Unit going back into the city and headed to the park. It wasn’t very crowded but there were families around. Thaddeus opened my car door but then headed to the trunk. He pulled out a small cooler, a large bag, and a blanket.
I followed him until he found an unoccupied shade tree and spread out the blanket. He opened the bag and started removing plates, cups, and utensils.
“Are you going to stand and eat?” He asked teasingly.
“No,” I chipped back kneeling down onto the blanket.
I watched as he opened the cooler, pulling out a couple of sandwiches and a couple of bags of chips. Then he grabbed a couple of bottles of water.
“Did you make the sandwiches?” I asked impressed by his skills.
“I would love to say yes, but no. It’s all from the deli. I’m hoping that you like it. I promise there’s no mayonnaise.” He gave me a tiny smile, and I was taken aback by it. He hasn’t really shown any other expression besides being upset.
He fixed my plate handing it to me before making one for himself. Not much was said between us. I mainly talked about the classes I was taking this summer, and he told me about a project was hoping he would be able to lead.
“Will it be here in Vermont?” I asked cleaning up my trash.
“No, it would be in New Orleans.”
“Yep, and if I do get it I would be gone for three months, at least.”
“Wow.” I didn’t know what to think about him being gone for so long, but then again, we still might not make it to the end of our decision period. “Thaddeus, may I ask you a question? You’ll be honest with me?”
“Yes,” he answered looking in my eyes.
“I know our mothers forced this on us, and the mall incident hasn’t helped, but I was wondering what you’ve thought about us, so far?” I began twirling a piece of hair to ease my nerves from his answer.
He doesn’t break our connection. He just stares at me. “Ask me that question again in a month?”
“I understand that, thank you,” I said honestly because I asked him to tell me the truth, and he did.
“How about this?” he stood gathering the blanket up. “Let’s forget all that and continue to get to know each other, okay?”
I gave him a full smile. “Okay.” I follow him back to the car where he placed everything in the trunk.
The drive back to Unit was peaceful. I felt more content with Thaddeus this time.
“I was thinking about going for a late night run. Would you like to join me?” He asked pulling into my driveway.
“Sure.” I nodded. As he walked me to the door, he told me that he would pick me up in about thirty minutes.
My parents were watching some TV show, and I quickly told them what was happening. They seemed very pleased that I was spending more time with Thaddeus, especially Mom. I changed in lightning speed and made sure I tied my hair back in a high ponytail.
Thaddeus was on time when he knocked on the door. I was surprised that we matched. He was in gray sweatpants and a loose white t-shirt, while I was in gray yoga pants and a white sweat jacket. He gave me a small smirk as he looked me up and down. It was the first time that he openly showed true interest in me.
We walked up the path a little way, before we started jogging. I followed behind Thaddeus this time, and I couldn’t help my eyes roam over his body. He must w
ork out more than I thought because his back muscles were showing through his t-shirt.
“Want to go off trail?” He asked over his shoulder.
“That’s fine.”
He diverted to the left, and I dropped back slightly behind him. His strides were much longer than mine, but then again, he was several inches taller than me.
He slowed letting me catch up to him. “How about a race?”
“Where to?” We both jogged in place keeping our heart rates up.
Thaddeus pointed over to the lookout. “There.”
“What do I win if I beat you?” I teased not thinking he would say anything.
“A kiss.”
I stopped dead in place, and I couldn’t breathe.
“Deal?” Thaddeus waited for me to answer, but I couldn’t say anything. “Xaviera, do we have a deal or not?”
“You can’t kiss me,” I blurted out to him.
He halted his jogging in place. “Why can’t I? You’re my Matched.”
“But I’ve never been kissed.” I’m practically shouting at him still in shock.
“I would hope not,” he scoffed at me. “Do we have a bet?”
“No, Thaddeus, we don’t.” I turned and headed back to the trail. Hearing Thaddeus yell for me, I ignored him.
I kept going down the trail until Thaddeus jumped in front of me making me skid to a stop.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” he repeated several times.
“You can’t ask me that ever again.” I pointed my finger right in his face. “You don’t understand anything, do you?” my voice rising another octave. “I’ve waited twenty years for my Matched to kiss me, and then I end up with you.” His eyes went wide.
“Xaviera,” he started but I cut him off.
“No. You haven’t even held my hand or made any attempt to touch me, which is fine because we’re going slowly, but you can’t just bet me to kiss you.” I crossed my arms trying to protect myself. My first kiss wasn’t going to be because I beat him in a race.
“I apologize. I mean that, I truly do. I wasn’t thinking correctly. I was,” he paused. “I was trying to be funny. I didn’t mean to insult you in any way.”
I hugged myself tighter. “Your apology is accepted, but I want to go home. Right now, Thaddeus,” I ordered.
“Of course.”
We walked in silence back to my house. “You don’t need to walk me in.” I rushed up the stairs before he could say anything.
I went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it as fast as I could.
“I guess that was a successful run,” Mom’s voice scared me, and I almost spit out my water.
“Something like that,” I mumbled. Mom was at the kitchen table with papers spread out all around her. I know that I shouldn’t bother her, but she was the only person that might understand what I’m really going through. “Mom?”
“Yes?” She looked up to me.
“May I ask you a question? One Matched girl to another, not a mother to a daughter.”
“Of course, what is it?” She looked a little concerned.
“When did your Matched kiss you?” I know my voice was quiet almost a whisper.
“Did Thaddeus kiss you?” She gasped with excitement on her face.
“No.” I shook my head.
“Oh well.” I heard the hint of disappointment in her voice. “My Matched kissed me on our first date. Why are you asking?”
I took a deep breath and told her what happened on the trail.
“Well, my dear, you have to remember a few things. One, this is his first kiss too. Two, I’m sure he’s nervous. And three, boys of that age don’t always think clearly. You both are very young. It will happen, just let it.” Her smile gleamed at me. “But could you promise me something?”
I nodded.
“If Thaddeus and you become more serious, please use protection. I know that you’re Matched, but you’re still young and have plenty of time to have children later.” Mom smiled.
I was blushing at the conversation, but I understood what she meant.
“Thanks, Mom.” I headed up to my room and hoped that I would be able to sleep tonight with all that’s running through my head.
Chapter 7
Amaya’s Twentieth Birthday
Thaddeus and I hadn’t seen each other since the night we went jogging. He was very busy with work and the school work was piling up for me.
The few text messages that we exchanged were mainly him saying that he was sorry, again. Of course I told him that I was sorry for shouting at him. Mom was right it would have been his first kiss too. Needless to say, it was a moment I would never forget in my life.
I straightened my hair and finished my makeup. Amaya’s party was going to start soon. Gia and I asked several times if she wanted us to come over and help her get ready, but she said that her mom and sister were going to help her.
“Xaviera, it’s time to go,” my dad shouted up the stairs.
I zipped up the back of my brown gladiator sandals. I checked the mirror making sure my white sun dress wasn’t above my knees, and then I put my lightweight brown leather jacket on.
I headed to the car where my parents were waiting and Dad drove us to the park. It was already filled with people.
The Roberts’ were extremely popular in Unit. They were the family that trained all the other Protectors’ in fighting.
When I got out of the car, I found Amaya. “Do you know anything yet?”
“Nope.” She looked nervous. Amaya had on a long dark blue maxi dress with a light white jacket. She paired it with white sandals.
“I’m sure you will find out soon.” I gave her a quick hug.
“I have to go mingle.” She walked over to a small crowd that showed up.
I glanced around the crowd to see if Gia was here, but I didn’t see her. My parents’ were talking to a group of people, and I wasn’t in the mood to be around a lot of people. I walked to the side furthest from the party. I found a lone picnic table and sat there gazing out to the lake. It’s the end of July, and it isn’t as hot as it should.
I thought about Thaddeus while I was sitting there. He wasn’t sure if he was going to make it to the party today because of work. I understood that. He really wanted to lead this account. I admired that about him, and that he was trying to reach for his goal. I did feel bad that we hadn’t communicated a lot lately.
I thought about leaving Unit at the end of the decision period. Where would I go? To the city? Maybe I would go to New York? What if Thaddeus and I actually became closer, and we didn’t leave, then what? Would I want that? What about my parents? I know that Mom said she would let me go, but I saw her face that day at the Edwards’ kitchen table. The hurt and pain of possibly losing me was all over it.
I have been more conflicted about everything, especially since July is almost over. It brings me one step closer to graduating and the end of my decision period.
“A pretty Matched girl like you shouldn’t be sitting alone.” Thaddeus’ voice washed over me. I twisted slightly and saw him staring down at me.
“My Matched said he wasn’t coming.”
“He wanted me to deliver a message to you.” He sat down next to me. He was so close that I could smell his cologne. It smelled like the ocean. He was in khaki cargo pants and a dark green polo. I’ve grown accustomed to his black boots and wonder if those are his only pair of shoes.
“What’s the message?” I bite down on my lip holding back my smile.
“That he’s still very sorry, and he would like to take you out tonight?” He handed me a single daisy.
My Matched gave me a flower. “Don’t you have work to do?”
“It can wait a few hours.” His small smirk that made my heart flutter appeared.
“I would love to.” I stared at the daisy in my hand.
“When I walked up you were thinking pretty hard. What were you thinking about?”
“Everything,” I told him tr
He nodded remaining quiet. We sat there together looking out at the world in front of us, peaceful and calm, as the party behind us grew louder. It felt like an oxymoron of my life. There was quiet in my life, but the chaos of Unit was still there within ear shot.
“Have you made a decision?”
I almost didn’t hear him, it was so low. “No. You?”
He shook his head.
“Xaviera.” Mom came up to me interrupting us. “Hello, Thaddeus.” She smiled.
“Hello, Your Majesty.” He stood when she spoke to him. Like a true Unit gentlemen.
“Come on, both of you, it’s time to eat.” Mom waved us over to the tables upon tables of food.
We walked up to the tables going down the line of food and then went back to the table we were originally at. I sat next to Thaddeus, and he said that he would get us something to drink. Amaya and Gia appeared next to me and they sat down.
“Okay, I get how nervous you were,” Amaya said looking flushed.
“Told ya.” I giggled. “You know anything yet.”
“My mom let it slip that he was here, but I don’t know who it is.” She took a huge gulp from a bottle of water.
“Amaya, should we start planning our décor for our house?” Graham teased as he and Oliver sat down across from us.
“Not now.” She put her head in her hands.
Thaddeus came back, and frowned seeing that our table filled up and handed me a bottle of water.
“I think our first night together should be somewhere remote, like a huge log cabin in Canada or Vegas,” Graham chuckled.
“Enough,” Thaddeus warned him.
“Oh, I’m kidding. Besides I already know who my Matched is.” He shoved food into his mouth.
“Yea, your right hand,” Amaya quipped at him causing the whole table to begin coughing and choking on our food and drinks. She got up from the table leaving us all stunned. Although, I shouldn’t be that surprised by her comment or anything she says.
Once we all caught our breaths, Gia scooted closer to me. “Graham, do you know your Matched?” she looked at him with wide eyes.