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A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) Page 4
A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) Read online
Page 4
“Looks like everyone is here,” Mrs. Edwards exclaimed.
“I have things to do.” He turned on his heels.
“Thaddeus Jax Edwards, I suggest you sit down. Now.” Mrs. Edwards’ voice left no room for argument. He spun back around and sat next to her, which was across from me. “We have some things to discuss.” She looked between us both.
Thaddeus gave me a quick glance. His mouth was tight, and his eyes were narrowed at me. I swore he never smiled, ever.
“Queen Stacy and I came up with a plan for you two. Would you like to hear it?” Mrs. Edwards looked at Thaddeus until he nodded, and then me, and I did too. “So, maybe things got off on the wrong foot a bit, but we’re going to fix that. I believe that you two are perfect for each other.”
“As do I,” my mom jumped in.
“And I think this can work. Our plan is simple.” She sat up straighter, her smile still in place. “We really want you to make a conscious effort during your decision period, and if you don’t want to be Matched, then you can leave Unit without any argument from any of us.”
We sit there, letting the silent noise surround us. Our mother’s faces were long, knowing that we might leave, never to return.
“Do you both agree?” Mom looked at each of us.
I nodded, and then Thaddeus.
Mom reached out her hands and Thaddeus and I took them. “Adiuro vos per repromissionem,” Mom spoke in Latin. “I bind you both to the promise.”
I felt a shiver go through my bones.
“Now, was that so hard?” Mrs. Edwards turned her sad expression to a smile. I could tell that she was faking as was my mother. If this didn’t work, we had the right to leave. Is that what I wanted? Oh my word, this was the hardest decision of my life.
“I have homework,” I announced standing. “Thank you, Mrs. Edwards.” I gave her a polite smile. “Thaddeus,” I semi growled at him as I stalked out of the house.
When I got outside to the fresh air, I pushed my hand through my brown hair trying to process everything that happened in there. In about three months, I would either be going through my ceremony or leaving Unit. On top of that, I was graduating in December. That was going to be a lot of change no matter which plan came through.
“I don’t have your phone number.” I jumped at the closeness of Thaddeus’ voice. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine.” I tried to catch my breath and calm myself. “I was in dreamland,” I said reaching for my phone in my purse.
“I was deep in thought,” I explained further. I told him my phone number, and he punched it into his phone.
He sent me a text, so I’d have his. “Thanks.” I dropped it back into my purse.
“My mother can be very persuasive.” His blue eyes locked me in place. I felt like they were looking through me.
“Mom is the same way, but I agreed to this promise, and I don’t lie to my parents.”
“Neither do I,” he answered back.
“Then we’re stuck with each other. At least for a while,” I informed him not like he didn’t already figure that out.
“Seems that way,” he confirmed. He glanced at his watch, and then back at me. “I have to go back to work, but I’m off at five. How about I get you around six, and we can have dinner together?”
I nodded. “Sounds great,” I tried to sound positive, but I’m not sure it came across that way.
I headed back to my car, but Thaddeus was there first opening the door for me. “Thanks.”
I could feel him watching me as I drove off. When I looked back he was shaking his head while going back up the sidewalk. He didn’t want to do this.
Figures, he wanted me as much as I wanted him, and it wasn’t much at this point.
I finished pinning my hair back and touching up my makeup. When I walked out of my bathroom, I smoothed my blue striped maxi dress out in front of the mirror. It has thin straps so I had to put on something to cover up my arms. I grabbed my half jean jacket. I doubled checked myself, and I didn’t look bad, but I needed shoes.
I stepped in front of my closet and inspected my collection. Oh how I loved my shoes! I paired my dress with an ivory wedge heel.
“Xaviera, where are you going?” Dad asked as he was about to pass my room.
“Thaddeus asked me to dinner.”
“That’s great. Don’t stay out too late.” He winked as he continued down the hall.
I wanted to tell him that I knew I wouldn’t be, but I kept quiet. I tossed my phone, wallet, and keys into my clutch that matched my shoes and headed downstairs to wait for Thaddeus.
When I reached the kitchen, Thaddeus’ blue eyes met mine from where he was leaning on the counter. I stopped as I looked him up and down. He had on a pair of dark colored jeans with a pale blue polo and black boots. His dark shaggy hair was wild and loose. But the one thing that caught my eyes was his glasses. He had a pair of thick black framed glasses. He looked like he was one of those studious models in Vogue and Cosmo.
“Xaviera, I was getting ready to come get you.” Mom smiled. “You two have fun tonight.” She patted my shoulder leaving us alone in the kitchen.
“Ready?” he asked heading toward the door.
“Sure,” I said.
The sun was setting and the sky was a stunning array of oranges, reds, and yellows. It seemed to give a beautiful haze over everything. Thaddeus had a bright red Audi, and it was easy to spot in Unit. Other people had flashy cars, but Thaddeus’ was flashier because of his matching car rims. I was always interested on why guys spent so much time on perfecting their car.
It’s a car.
That’s it.
After Thaddeus opened the door for me, and then got in himself, we were off. We didn’t say anything only the music from the low radio was on. When he passed The Diner, I looked over at him.
“Where are we going?” I asked when he punched out to leave Unit.
“To the city.” He shifted the gears quickly, and I felt like we were flying. I wasn’t one to drive fast, but Thaddeus is obviously different.
It dawned on me as the city light was coming into view because the sun was almost gone; I’m in a car…with a boy.
Oh my word, this was my first date.
“I know that face.”
“You just realized that you’re on a date for the first time, and we’re not with our Pairs.”
My mouth dropped. “How did you know that?”
The corner of his mouth turned slightly. “My sister had that exact same look when she went out with Vic for the first time.”
“Oh, well,” I didn’t know what to say. What would you say to something like that? “Have you ever been alone with a girl?” I blurted.
He gave me a quick stern look. “We live in Unit, isn’t that against the Rules?”
I won’t lie there was some relief that came over me. I knew the rules of Unit, but there were a few people that didn’t follow them. Especially, if they had already decided to leave.
“So, why don’t you want to be Matched?” I asked.
“How about this,” his voice boomed out. “Why don’t we just have small talk tonight and not get too in depth? Deal?” He turned into the city heading downtown.
“Deal.” He was right not that I’d tell him that, but we shouldn’t jump into big topics yet. “I think that’s the most you’ve ever talked to me?” I giggled softly at the realization.
“I’m not a huge talker. Ask my sisters.”
“Am I dressed okay? I mean,” I looked down at my dress, “are we going somewhere very fancy?”
“You look…fine,” Thaddeus stammered. “This is casual.”
That was it?
Well, I feel pathetic right now. I keep my focus on the scenery passing me. Thaddeus finally parked and came around to open my door. We didn’t talk as we strolled up the street, and I followed him into a small restaurant that w
as in the basement of a large green building.
“Well, Thaddeus.” I heard an old Italian woman with a short gray bob and watched her face light up when she saw him. “It’s been forever.”
“Yes, ma’am, it has been a little bit.” I thought I could hear a little glee in his voice.
He pulled my chair out as she seated us at the table. My heart did a little flutter from the gesture.
I browsed the menu that she handed me trying to figure out something that wouldn’t be too sloppy or get all over me.
“I think the Eggplant Parmesan looks good,” I tried the small talk like he suggested.
“Hhmm,” was all he replied. I guessed that was what he classified as ‘small talk’.
The waiter came over, and we ordered. I got the eggplant, and he ordered spaghetti and meatballs.
We sat there in silence again. Until Thaddeus broke it. “What are you studying in school?”
“Medical administration.”
“Why that field?” He sipped his water.
“Well, I don’t want anything to do with banking. I couldn’t be doctor or a nurse because I don’t like blood or gore. Being a lawyer makes me sick to my stomach because I can’t see defending someone I knew was guilty. But I’m a people person, and I like helping people, so this seemed like a good fit. What about you? Did you always want to be an architect?”
He shrugged. “It’s what I’m good at.”
“Do you like working at your dad’s firm?”
“It helps me gain a lot of good contacts and experience, so yeah.” He kept staring out the window.
“Do you find this as weird as I do?” I know he said ‘small talk’, but I’m about to tear my hair out not knowing what he’s really thinking.
He looked at me. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I’m twenty, you’re what, twenty-one?”
He nodded.
“Right and this is our very first date. In this day and age, people our age have been on tons of dates, and we haven’t. Isn’t that strange?” I was rambling, and I should just clamp my mouth shut, but I didn’t have the ability to do so.
Thaddeus had the same serious expression on his face. “We’re from Unit. This is our life, apparently.”
“Right.” I guess that answered my question. He wasn’t one to discuss anything that had to deal with Unit. Then again, that wasn’t the hottest of topics right now.
“So, how does your sister Michelle like being Matched?”
“I guess okay. She’s pregnant now.”
“Oh,” I gasped. “I didn’t know that. You’re going to an uncle.” I figured Mom would have told me that, but I’ve not kept up with the latest gossip in Unit like I should.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“You’re lucky on that part,” I commented quietly.
“Why do you say that?” He looked perplexed.
“I don’t have any siblings. I’ll never be an aunt.” I could hear my own sadness in my voice.
“I forgot that, sorry.” He hung his head.
“There are good things to being an only child,” I tried to sound chipper.
“Such as,” he leads on.
“Well, I don’t have to worry about sharing any of my belongings, and I have my own bathroom.” I smiled at him.
“I could see that being a perk, since I shared with my sisters growing up.”
Our food came, and we ate quietly only commenting on food related items. Thaddeus hated mushrooms and doesn’t like a lot of garlic. He thinks mustard should be the only thing on a hot dog, and milk is his choice of drink in the morning.
I told him how much I hated mayonnaise and corndogs. I think I could drink cherry Kool-aid every day of my life, and I’ve never had a Starbucks coffee.
“But the one thing I could live on: Lucky Charms cereal. I know that it’s childish, but it’s my go to when I’m hungry.” I looked at my plate realizing I had eaten almost all of my eggplant, and I pushed it away. I was stuffed to the gills.
“Lucky Charms?”
“I know, childish, but there is something about those colorful marshmallows that make everything tastes so good.” I waved my hand wishing I hadn’t said anything of it, but I did love them.
The waiter came over to check on us and Thaddeus asked for the bill. After he paid for everything, we left.
“Want to walk a little while?”
I nodded. It was a lovely night. The moon was bright, and there was a light warm breeze. We strolled uptown trying not to bump into anyone else from the crowded sidewalk. As we continued I stopped at a window display of…shoes. I thought I might have to wipe the drool away from my face when I saw a striking pair of pink high heels with a lace overlay.
“I need to run in here.” I rushed away from him and into the store. I asked the lady if I could see the shoes in the window in my size. She was very nice and brought me pair.
I sat down on a chair as Thaddeus sat next to me. “Sorry,” I said sadly.
“I have two sisters and a mother, trust me, I understand the shoe fetishes of women,” he smirked.
I giggled.
Did Thaddeus just make a joke?
Did he smile?
Those questions left my mind as I slipped on the shoes standing up in them and looking in the small mirror. I bite my lip smiling at the beautiful lace and pink color.
“I’ll take them.” I placed them back in the box. I was putting my shoes on when I looked up and saw Thaddeus paying for my shoes. “Hey.” I jumped up going over to the counter. “I could have taken care of that.”
“Thank you,” he told the clerk ignoring me while carrying my bag and walking out of the store.
“Hey,” I said again. “I can pay for my own stuff, Thaddeus.”
“I know,” was all he said strolling back to his car. He opened the door for me and put my bag in the trunk. Sad thing was I wanted to look at my shoes.
We became quiet as he drove us back to Unit. I did have a good night. I learned a few things about Thaddeus, and he bought me a pair of shoes. That was the first thing my Matched got me, and it’s the one thing that I love the most.
Pulling into my driveway, every light in the house was still on. It doesn’t surprise me. I’m sure Mom wanted to know every detail, and Dad wanted to make sure I’m okay.
Thaddeus got my bag from the trunk first, and then opened my door. He walked me all the way up the stairs to the entrance.
“I actually had a good time,” he said in a quiet tone.
“I’m not sure if I should be offended by that.” I leaned in laughing, and he smirked again. “Thank you for my shoes.”
“Oh, right, you’re welcome.” He handed me my bag, and our hands barely touched. “I’ll text you.” Thaddeus let go of the bag and headed back to his car.
Oh my word, I had a first date.
Chapter 6
The Matched Life
I stared at my shoes.
My Matched bought me these.
I stayed up late thinking about my night. Thaddeus had fun, and I did too.
I worked all day at the bank and it seemed to drag by. Thankfully, it finally ended and I clocked out. I had checked my phone several times during the day and he hadn’t texted me. That’s okay because I have homework that needs to be done which means I might not be able to see or talk to him today anyway. I did have a text from Amaya though.
Amaya: Let’s go shopping. My birthday is coming & I have nothing to wear
That would be something to keep my mind occupied.
Me: Pick me up at my house.
I headed home, changed and sent a text to my parents. Amaya honked the horn, and I raced out to her car where Gia was already in the front seat.
“I want something very slutty,” Amaya said as I buckled my seatbelt.
“Oh, we’re going to be in so much trouble,” Gia mumbled. I had to agree with her.
I’m pretty sure Amaya tried on every dress in the entire mall and found noth
ing. Well, nothing that was appropriate for her party. We went to the food court because we were all starving. Shopping should be an Olympic sport. At least the way we shop it should be.
We sat at a table, eating our hot, soft pretzels and Amaya was going on about her party.
“You know that you need to be more careful,” Gia told her.
“About what?”
Gia pointed to Amaya’s calf. There was a large bruise on it. “You’re training very hard.”
Amaya shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal when three guys we didn’t know approached us.
“Well, you sexy ladies look like you need some company.” They grabbed chairs joining our table.
Gia and I immediately knew it was time to leave, but we halted when Amaya began to flirt.
“Oh, we would love some,” she cooed.
“Amaya,” I hissed a warning to her. Gia’s face paled.
“Are you Unit girls?” The tallest one asked. The city people knew who we were, and they knew that we kept mostly within our group.
“Yes, we are.” Amaya winked at him.
“Amaya, I’m ordering you. We have to leave.” I tugged on her arm, but she ignored me because I didn’t want to use my power on her outside of Unit.
“Amaya, please,” Gia begged.
“Wow, you Unit girls should enjoy a fresh taste of the city life.” The third guy winked at me.
“Unit females don’t like that flavor.” I gasp turning to Thaddeus with Graham and Oliver. “It’s time to go ladies.” Thaddeus’ voice was tight, and I could hear the fury behind it.
I stood up and got behind Thaddeus and Gia was behind me. Amaya slowly sashayed behind Gia.
“Have a good day gentlemen,” Thaddeus said politely. We followed him leading us right out of the mall, with Graham and Oliver behind us.
Once we were outside, his face had anger written all over it. “Did you drive?” I shook my head. “I’m taking you home then. Amaya and Gia you need to go home too. I’ll see you guys later.” He tipped his chin up to Graham and Oliver.
“We were just playing around,” Amaya said definitely irked that her flirting was ruined by him.
“My Matched wasn’t playing. Your Princess told you that you needed to leave and you disobeyed,” Thaddeus growled. “And I would think that someone whose twentieth birthday is coming up wouldn’t want her father to hear about this?” He challenged her. “Would hate to see her Matched back out?”