DREAM Read online

Page 15

  “You make it sound so simple,” I grumble. “You swoop in and save the day.”

  “Dream, it is simple. You’re my wife; I will always save you. However, could you tell me what he said to you?”

  “He knew about our fight and that I’d stayed downstairs at Jackson Manor. He thought we were broken up.” Gable nods, but doesn’t say anything. “He said I was hiding behind you and he was mad at the way Dad treated him.”

  “Is that all?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Okay.” He leans forehead and kisses my forehead. Even though I know that I shouldn’t let it, I found comfort in his touch. “Get some rest. I’ll bring up some food for you.”

  I know there’s more to this story, but my head can’t take it. I turn on my side and close my eyes. I need sleep right now.

  Chapter 15

  “There will be more security with you. Just until I think that Jacob’s backed off.”

  I sip my coffee at the breakfast bar as I listen to Gable explain my new routine to me. I slept all through the night. I assume my body was more tired than hungry.

  “I’m not taking on anymore of Jacob’s businesses. I have the urge to send the money back to him, too.”

  “Keep the money,” Gable states firmly. “Don’t you dare give it back to him.”

  “Dream, do you want something else?” Misha smiles.

  “I don’t need anything else, thank you.”

  “Well, looks like sleeping beauty has awoken.” Gideon walks into the kitchen.

  “What happened to you?” I gape at him and his black eye. “Some female finally kick your ass. What’s her name? I’ll send her a thank you note.”

  “I got into a bar fight. It doesn’t even hurt.” Gideon brushes it off. “I guess you had an exciting night?” He nods over at Gable.

  “Not really, why?” Gable says deadpan.

  “Oh, I…um…nothing…I mean Dream looks like she’s had an exciting night.” He points to his face showing where my bruises are on mine.

  “I accidently got a little rough with her during sex.” Gable answers and I choke on my coffee. Misha’s face looks as perplexed as I feel.

  “I guess it happens.” Gideon looks confused. “Um, are you ready to go to work?”

  “I’m not going. Joy will send me everything here. Why don’t you take the day off too?” Gable takes my hand and kisses it.

  “What about Japan?”

  “I’ve taken care of it, Gideon. You don’t need to worry about anything. Go have fun.”

  Gideon’s mouth drops a bit and stands there for a moment as if he’s trying to figure out if Gable is serious or not.

  “All right. Um…have a good day, then.” Gideon looks at me for a beat and heads out the door.

  Gable watches every move his brother makes and after he’s left the room, he turns to Misha first. “Gideon is not to know anything that goes on in this house from now on.” He looks at me. “Do you both understand?”

  “Yes,” Misha says in a soft voice and leaves the kitchen.

  “Yes,” I answer when he glances at me.

  “I’m sorry I said we had rough sex. It’s the first thing that came to mind.” He sips his coffee.

  “It’s okay. May I ask what is the deal with Gideon and you? He’s your brother, why keep him out of the loop?”

  “This is going to sound strange, but it’s a feeling I have, and I hope I’m wrong.” He’s still holding my hand. I know I should pull away from him, but I leave it.

  I slept in his bed because I was too exhausted to go to my own. Gable slept there too because when I woke up this morning his hand was on my hip and I was lying on his other arm. Just like all the other times when we’d slept in the same bed, I felt safe. I’m still mad at him for everything he lied about, but he did save me.

  Just like he promised.

  “Are you sure you’re not hungry? I’ll have something delivered if you want.”

  I shake my head. “I think I’m going to go lay down and rest some more.” I release my hand from his and head back upstairs.

  I know I should go to my bedroom, but I don’t. I head right for Gable’s white bedroom and crawl into the warm blankets. I wrap myself up as if I’m in a cocoon and I still don’t feel as safe as if Gable was holding me. Damn, I’m so confused. I need to figure this out. Like a light bulb, I think of the one person that helped me out last time.


  Why hadn’t I thought of her before? I unwrap myself from the covers and grab my phone from the nightstand and send her a quick text.

  Are you up for some lunch tomorrow at Butler Mansion?

  I didn’t think that she would contact me quickly, but she did.

  Sure. How about at one?


  I need to figure out my life before I lose my mind. I feel at any moment I’ll end up in a strait jacket inside a padded room.

  “Dream.” Mrs. Stones pulls me from my dark thoughts.

  “Oh,” I gasp and run into her arms without thinking of the betrayal.

  “You poor girl. It’s going to be okay; I promise.”

  Her words cause me to sob. The tears are for every emotion I feel at the moment. Hurt at Gable’s lie; pain from Jacob’s hold on my face; heartbreak from Gable violating my trust in him; guilt for not listening to him about Jacob; and above all, emptiness at not having Dad here to talk to or Gable’s arms to hold me. Sure, I still hate Gable, but I feel for him, too. Hence all the emotions and confusion I’m feeling.

  Mrs. Stones continues to soothe me and tell me it’s going to be okay. I find comfort in the words and in her arms. It’s almost as if motherly arms were there for me.

  Finally, I release her and she wipes my tears.

  “Now, why don’t you sit down and we can talk.”

  I nod and I lead her over to the white chairs by the window.

  “I know you’re mad and you have every right to be. I’ve told Ulrich for years to tell you what was going on at JE, but he never listened to me. You know how stubborn he was and I think you get that from him.” She smiles.

  “What’s happening in my life? I feel so…out of control.”

  “I know.” Mrs. Stones takes my hand. “I know, and I can’t say I understand everything that’s happening, but please believe me when I say I love you and it was all to keep you safe.”

  I drop my head. “I don’t know what to believe or not believe anymore.”

  “Dream, what’s the motto?”

  “Family and Jackson Enterprise are all that you need in your life.” I repeat the words that my father said all my life.

  “You have JE, Leo, and me. Most of all, you have Gable. Dream, he truly loves you. I swear to you on my soul he does. Trust him.”

  “I can’t.” I whisper, shaking my head fiercely.


  “Why?” I utter her question back to her. “He lied about everything. I can’t believe anything he says, ever again.”

  “He loves you, and I know you have feelings for him, too. I can see it in your eyes. Yes, he lied, but he did it for you. He didn’t want you hurt, or something worse. Every moment since this all started, Gable has done nothing but make sure we’re all protecting you.”

  I think I’m all cried out because when I hear her words about Gable, I want to cry, but there’s none flow. It’s been about me all this time, hasn’t it?

  Wow, great way to look selfish, Dream. However, I did want to be selfish with Gable, didn’t I? Only a few days ago, I was ready to rip off his clothes and ride him into the sunset. Yes, he lied. This is true, but he did it to save me. I can see in his eyes how much he cares about me and wants to be with me.

  “He isn’t telling Gideon about anything that happened yesterday.”

  “Good.” Mrs. Stones says. “I don’t like Gideon. There’s something...evil within him.”

  I nod, understanding what she means.

  “I need to head back to the office, but I wanted to check on
you.” She stands to leave.

  “Go home.”


  “Go home and rest. Take the day off. Get a manicure. I don’t care what you do, but just don’t go into the office.”


  “No,” I cut her off. “I mean it. Don’t go into the office.”

  Mrs. Stones gives me a small smile and hugs me. “I think I’ll do a little shoe shopping.”

  After she left, I curl back into the bed and close my eyes. Memories of Dad hit me, first when I was younger playing in the park with him. He would always swing with me, slide with me, and build sand castles with me. It didn’t matter if he was in a ten thousand dollar suit, he would dive right in with me. I can hear his laugh, his bright blue eyes, and his always clean-shaven face.

  I open my eyes and I know I can’t stay in this room anymore. I can’t lie down anymore even though I’m tired. I need to focus on something else, something familiar to me. I head straight for the media room and don’t even look for anyone, mainly Gable, to join me.

  I curl into the white chair and grab the remote, turning on Gone with the Wind. I mindlessly watch as Scarlett O’Hara parades across the screen. I study it as Rhett Butler time-and-time again saves Scarlett.

  Family and Jackson Enterprise are all that you need in your life.

  Just like Scarlett needed to feel sane at Tara and with Rhett, I needed my family and JE. Dad’s dead, though. I didn’t have family and JE is the only sane thing I have left.


  Isn’t Gable my husband?

  Isn’t he always protecting me?

  “I thought I would find you down here.”

  I look up and see Gable’s blue eyes shining back at me.

  “Are you okay?”

  I nod, and my heart races. “Do you know you’re my Rhett?” I blurt out, without thinking.


  I point to the screen as Rhett picks up Scarlett and heads up the stairs with her.

  “I don’t think I’m that rough,” he chuckles, taking a seat next to me.

  “No, not that. I mean you’re there for me when I need you,” I mumble, fiddling with my t-shirt hem.

  “I always will be.” He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.

  I lay my head back and watch the movie continue. I know this movie by heart, but I always seem to get choked up every time near the end when she begs Rhett to stay and professes her love to him.

  When the movie ends and the screen goes white, neither of us makes a move. Gable is still holding my hand and I feel safe again. Why it is a single touch can do that to me? It’s as if he washes everything else away. The fear of Jacob, the hurt from the lies, and all my pain is gone.

  “I still love you.” He finally speaks. “That will never change.”

  I open my mouth to tell him I still hate him, but I can’t say the words. “Have you ever loved anyone else? That girl? The one you were going to marry, you didn’t love her?”

  ”I thought I did, but truthfully,” he shakes his head.

  “Just me, then?”

  Gable looks deep into my eyes. “Only you.”

  My body moves before my brain screams stop. I’m in his lap and kissing him. His soft, full lips expertly move against mine. I open my mouth wider and don’t pay attention to the soreness in my jaw as I slide my tongue into his mouth. Gable moans and I can feel how hard he is already as he pushes into my thigh.

  “Do you hate me still?” His warm breath whispers against my lips.

  “I’m not happy, but I have a better understanding. Don’t think you’re out of the doghouse yet.”

  Gable chuckles and it causes my lips to twitch in return. “Doghouse? I’m not sure any woman has ever put me in there before.”

  “Glad I can be your first.” I give him a chaste kiss and pull back. “Mrs. Stones came by.”

  “I know.” He softly touches my cheek. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, she…enlightened me a bit.”

  Gable smirks and his dimple appears as I stroke his soft beard. “I’m glad.”

  I rest my head on his shoulder and he caresses my back and lays his other hand on my thigh. I don’t want to be anywhere else but in his arms.

  “Gable.” Gideon walks into the media room. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt the happily married couple.” He sneers at me.

  “What do you want?” Gable growls and I sit up.

  I feel my body tense. Gable holds me tighter against him and takes the phone.

  “What?” He barks into the phone.

  I can hear Jacob on the other side of the cell phone, but I can’t make out any words. I glance up at Gideon and his eyes are narrowed at me. He knows something is amiss, but I’m not going to say anything. Just as Mrs. Stones said, there’s something about him and I can’t figure it out either.

  “The answer is no and this conversation is over.” Gable says and ends the call, handing it back to Gideon.

  “What’s going on, Gable?” Gideon’s face is red and I can feel the anger rolling off him.

  “Nothing,” Gable says calmly.

  “Bullshit. What the fuck—”

  “Get the fuck out.” Gable shuts him down and I feel his body tense under me. “I’m with my wife, and I don’t need your services anymore.”

  “Services?” Gideon almost looks hurt at Gable’s choice of word. “Fucking fine.” He storms out of the media room.

  I’m not sure if I should move or say something, but Gable looks straight ahead rubbing his chin. I want to know what Jacob said. Actually, I’m dying to know how the conversation went.

  “Larissa is coming over for lunch tomorrow.” I have to say something because the quiet is bothering me.

  “That should be pleasant.” He finally speaks.

  “It should.” I place a hand on his chest, feeling his racing heart under my touch. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Gable looks up at me. “He wanted you to come back and finish the job at the printing house. He apologized, but I’m not buying any of that shit.”

  “Why would he want me to come back? Why would he even call and ask?”

  Gable shrugs. “I have no idea, but it took some balls.” He adjusts me in his lap.

  “I should get up.” I make a move to rise, but he locks me back into place.

  “Don’t move, please. I’ve missed having you in my arms.”

  His confession makes my pulse race. I lean close to his ear. “Me, too.” I think after we have been through, he deserves that bit of information.

  He cups my cheek and runs his thumb along my cheekbone. Gable keeps looking into my eyes and then down at my lips. I know he wants to kiss me.

  I shake my head, telling him the answer to his unasked question to kiss me again. “I think I’m going to take a long hot bath.” I get up from his lap.

  “You haven’t eaten all day.”

  “I’m fine.” I call over my shoulder as I hop into the elevator.

  When I reach the white bathroom, Misha greets me. The smell of bleach hits me and I see her scrubbing the toilet.

  “Oh, I’m sorry Mrs. Butler. I didn’t think you were coming back up here so soon.”

  “It’s fine.” I gag a bit from the chlorine. “I was going to take a bath.”

  “I’m done.” She throws her items into the carrying basket and rushes past me.

  I wonder about her sometimes. I can never seem to get a good read on Misha. One moment, I think we might actually be friends, and the next she’s all secretive and sneaky. Maybe it’s because since the moment I walked into Butler Mansion it’s been awkward and uncomfortable.

  Well, it has been for me. Not all the time though. There was a short period Gable and I were a real married couple. I flip the hot water on and dump in the lavender bath oil and bubbles. The tub fills up and the aroma begins to overpower the bleach smell as I slip out of the pajamas I’ve been in all day. I check my face in the mirror. The bruises are darker, and you can cl
early make out Jacob’s handprint.

  I hope they fade soon. I gently step into the hot water, and my skin tingles from the heat. I sigh once I’m completely submerged into the water and overflowing bubbles. I let my mind go blank and think of nothing but the intoxicating smell relaxing me. I shut my eyes as my face becomes moist from the steam. I’m almost asleep when there’s a knock on the door.


  “I’m bathing,” I tell Gable.

  “Please” he begs.

  I look at the bubbles and they’re still thick and I know he can’t see anything. “Fine,” I grumble and move my left arm to cover my breast and right to cover me below.

  “Wow.” He waves his hand in front of him. “I didn’t expect to walk into a sauna.”

  “Gable, I’m in the tub, what do you want?” I scoot deeper under the foam.

  “Well.” He pulls the vanity stool over to the edge of the tub and my heart races, thinking how exposed I am right now. “I thought this would be a perfect time to talk.”

  “What? This is a horrible time to talk. Get out.” Has he lost his mind?

  “Under any other circumstance, I would leave, but this is the one time I have you trapped.”

  “Gable.” I shake my head. “Just say what you want and leave me be.”

  “Dream, please don’t be that way and let me say this.”

  I deflate at his words. There’s no reason to be mad at him. “Okay. What do you need to say?”

  “I want to tell you I love you. I know, I know you’re not fond of me at this moment, but I think you need to hear it.” He pushes his hand through his hair. “When Aven and I were together, I wanted to propose to her because we had been together for so long, and it seemed like the next step I should take. The problem was I didn’t love her. Sure, I said it, but it was more robotic because she said it. I didn’t trust her either. I never told her anything about my work.”

  I blink at him in shock. He’s told me a lot about his work: the legal and illegal parts. Plus, he told me he loved me first.

  “Even though I was upset she cheated on me, when I look back on it now, I feel a bit of relief. My breakdown was because of Dad not Aven.”

  He pauses and looks around the room for a moment and I’m not sure what to say or do.