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DREAM Page 14
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Page 14
“That’s…that’s why Gideon said I was your downfall.” I shake my head.
“You’re the only woman I’ve ever truly loved. He’s right. If anything happens to you that will be the end for me.”
“You don’t know me. You can’t love me.”
“Stop talking.” I throw my hand up in his face. I know it’s childish, but he can’t say my name anymore. If he says another word, I might punch him in the throat. “I don’t want to hear anything else.”
I run to my BMW and race home. When I pull into my driveway, I see Leo has been following me in the Lexus. I park my car in the garage but I don’t get out. I sit there and bang my head against the steering wheel.
I know Jacob Matherson is bad news, but I didn’t know he had been harassing my dad. I wonder what was said between them.
I’m doing business with Jacob now, because Gable set it up and told me to. Well, he didn’t actually say that I should, but I did it for the money that I didn’t really need. I also did it for Gable because Jacob is his friend. What does that mean for me? Why didn’t Gable explain that to me? Why are there so many unanswered questions?
“Fuck.” I rifle through my purse until I find my phone and dial the one person I don’t want to call, but is the only person who can answer my questions.
“Dream.” Gable’s deep voice comes through the speaker on the second ring.
“I need to talk to you.”
“Not on the phone. You can have Leo bring you to the house.”
“My house is safer. If you want to leave after we talk, well, we’ll discuss it then, but you need to come home.”
“Ha,” I scoff loudly into the phone. “Right now, I don’t think I have a home anywhere, anymore.”
“Wherever I am is your home. I’ll always be here for you, Dream. You can count on me.”
I roll my eyes. Those three sentences are what every girl wants to hear all her life, but right now I don’t want to hear anything but the truth.
“Fine, I’ll come to your house.” I need to give a little to get my answers.
“Please, let Leo bring you.”
I don’t say anything.
“Dream, please.” He softly begs and it tugs at my heart a little bit.
“Fine.” I end the call and go to Leo.
I walk into Butler Mansion as if I still lived there. Technically, the majority of my belongings are still here, but I won’t be staying here anymore.
“He’s in his bedroom.”
I turn and see Misha in the doorway.
“Of course he is.”
“It’s the one place where he can think best.” She volunteers the information, but Gideon told me the same thing long ago. “I think he spends more time there than in anywhere else in the house.” Misha gives me a small smile.
“Thank you.” There’s no reason to be rude to her, she’s not bad, and she’s probably the only one who hasn’t lied to me. I head over to the elevator and go to his room.
His door is open when I come down the hall and he’s sitting on his bed, with an iPad on his lap. I stare at him for a moment. He’s in his usual outfit. Only two nights ago I was kissing and undressing him in the bathroom and now…
“Dream.” Gable sits his iPad down and strolls over to me. “Please come in.”
As I walk in, I make sure I’m not close to him. He doesn’t need to get the wrong impression. I sit on the window bench and cross my legs and my arms. I’m not sure if I’m trying to protect my heart from him, or keeping myself from punching him. I think it’s a little of both.
“You want to talk.” He sits on the edge of the bed, facing me.
“If Jacob is so bad, why am I doing business with him?”
“Two reasons. One, he needs to see JE is fine and won’t be going out of business anytime soon. Two, I need to keep better tabs on him and what he has planned. And,” he pauses. “If he sees us together, he’ll know that our love is real.”
“That’s three, jerk.” I feel better when I call him names.
“The last one was more of a bonus.” He smirks and his dimple appears.
“You think this is funny, Gable. I’m in a damn tailspin, and there’s no one throwing my ass a life jacket.” I’m done yelling. Instead, I keep my voice as calm as I can. “I’ve lost my father, gotten married, and find out everyone around is controlling my life. How would you feel?”
“The same way, but please know we’re all trying to keep you safe from Jacob.”
I drop my head in my hands and then I break. I can’t handle any more questions or lies around me. I’m fed up. My eyes hurt as the tears rush down my cheeks. I can feel myself falling forward and then…Gable’s strong arms catch me. His Miller Harris cologne soothes me. He’s rubbing his large hands up and down my back, whispering that it’ll be okay and promising to take care of me.
It’s comforting to hear his words, even though deep down I know he’s the reason I’m in this condition. I want to push him away, but at the same time, I feel safe.
“If Jacob had the chance, would he hurt me?” My sobs begin to slow down, and I’m still holding onto him.
“If it would mean he’d get ahead in money and power, he would do it in a heartbeat.” His nose is buried in my neck.
“I still hate you,” I sniff.
“I still love you.”
Chapter 14
“Good morning, Dream.”
“Leo.” I ease into the Lexus and he shuts the door. I did stay at Butler Mansion and I’m going to until I figure out a plan to make sure Jacob Matherson leaves me the hell alone. I’m going to get my life back.
“Take me to Matherson Printing.”
I don’t know much about Jacob besides what I’ve seen on TV. I didn’t want to talk to Gable anymore last night or I may have asked him. Once I had finished having my small nervous breakdown, I went to my room without another word. Even though he did help me through it, I still hate him.
As Leo speeds through the city, I look out the window. The trees are all bare now, waiting to be covered in the snow and ice soon. The people on the street have on heavier clothes and coats, some even with scarves. A lot of the buildings are beginning to put up holiday decorations. It reminds me of my dad. He loved winter and all the joyous seasons that it brought.
When Leo pulls up in front of Matherson’s Printing, I wonder for a moment if my life is in danger. Would Jacob hurt me? Would he kill me? The thought sends a shiver through me. Dad always said I had a great sense of character and I don’t like Jacob. There’s something there, just like with Gideon, that rubs me the wrong way.
Do I have that same strange feeling toward Gable?
I quickly answer no in my head.
The feelings for Gable are on a different spectrum. Gable has never shown me disrespect or any reason not to trust him. Until now. Things are different now. He’s lied to me over and over again.
But, he did it to keep me safe. The small voice in my head is pissing me off because I want to hate Gideon. No, I do hate Gideon.
Do I? Or, am I just mad because he didn’t tell me the truth from the start? Does it matter? My life is a lie and a big ball of mess.
Leo opens the car door for me and I head into the building. As usual, there are four security guards in the front. A few of the employees are already there working on orders and I greet them while heading into the office. I pull everything out I need for the day and run through the numbers of last night’s orders.
The morning seems to fly by and the afternoon is no different. Without asking him too, Leo brought me a hot ham and cheese sandwich from my favorite deli. I think of all the information that has been given to me in the past forty-eight hours, his words seem to stand out the most. If he had told me the sky was falling I would have hidden under a desk. Besides Dad, he’s the only family that I have.
Damn it. I hat
e when other people are right.
As my day is about to end, I head to the back room. On the far side of the room are fifteen wooden crates, the ones Jacob told us not to mess with. I stare at them and my mind wanders about what’s in there. I gradually walk over to them and run my fingers of the word ‘fragile’ stamped in red on the side.
Are there dead bodies?
Are there chemicals to make bombs?
I take a step back and try to reign my thoughts back in. For all I know, there are ink cartridges in there for his business. I’m about to walk away when I see a lone crate sitting on its side with the lid is askew.
Don’t touch it, Dream Jackson. Leave it alone. I know I need to listen to the voice in my head, but my body isn’t doing it. I pull the crate lid back and inside are…guns.
Lots of them and big ones.
I gasp and quickly shut the crate's lid. I rush back to the office. I’m trying unsee what I just saw, but that’s not happening. I’ve seen guns in my life. I know Leo carries one. Dad had a few of them in his gun cabinet, but they were more for collector purposes. I guarantee Jacob isn’t doing that with those huge ass guns.
My hands are shaking as I gather up my items and put them into my bag. I need a large glass of wine, and a hot bath to wash this day away. My phone beeps with more emails from Mrs. Stones. Ugh! There’s not enough time in the day anymore.
“Mrs. Butler.”
I hold back my gasp at seeing Jacob walk in. I don’t know why I did it but I quickly pick up my phone and speed dial Leo’s number and leave it in my hand. I know he’s outside, but my gut is telling me this isn’t a good tone from Jacob.
“Hello, Jacob.” I keep my voice calm and smile at him.
“You seem very cheerful for someone who’s left her husband.” His two bodyguards come in with him and shut the door.
No, this isn’t right.
“Left my husband?” I scoff at him trying to sound relaxed. “You must be mistaken. I’ve done nothing of the sort.”
Jacob takes a deep breath, pushing his chest out. He shoves his hands in his pocket, rocking back and forth on his heels. “No, you’re lying and I’m not very fond of liars. See, I heard you and he had a massive fight and the other night you slept at Jackson Manor.”
My heart stops.
“Well, you didn’t get much sleep, did you? Staying up on the couch all night crying.” His eyes are like two steel circles looking at me. “Heartbreak is so hard.” He tsks his tongue at me.
How did he know? Oh my God, he is watching me. Fuck.
“Now, you’re here with no Gable Butler to save you.” He’s still rocking on his heels and there’s a glint in his eyes. What’s he going to do?
“Did you know I knew your father?”
My mouth is dry and my throat is tight.
“He wasn’t very nice to me. I think he called me a thug, or maybe a thief, whichever it was it pissed me off.” He chuckles and takes a few steps toward me, but I’m rooted into my spot. “That blanket you’ve been hiding behind called Gable is now gone and I think it’s time for you start understanding how the business world really works.”
The two bodyguards don’t move a muscle as Jacob comes around the desk toward me. My head is screaming to run, yell, punch, kick, but my body won’t react to it.
“The lion always get the biggest piece of meat; do you know why? Because he’s the best of the pride. You are nothing but a piece of meat. You’re not a lion; well…you couldn’t be because you’re nothing but a little girl. You are a little girl with dead parents, a sham of a marriage, no friends, and no one who cares about her. Isn’t that right?”
He is standing in front of me. I never realized Jacob is about five inches taller than am, but not as tall as Gable. Jacob even has a small scar under his right eye and a bump in his nose.
“Isn’t that right?” He yells louder at me.
I open my mouth to finally scream, but Jacob cups the palm of his hand under my chin and slams it up. His long, strong fingers grip my jaw. His nails dig into my cheek. I’m in shock, and he pushes me against the wall.
Oh…what’s happening?
“Isn’t that right?” He repeats again. “Isn’t it humiliating that you’re nothing but some broke-ass bitch pretending to roll in money every day of your life? Isn’t it sad your father was nothing but a fucking criminal, but because he hid behind a big house and fancy people, he was so much better than us?”
I struggle against him, but he has me firmly in place. My face aches from his vice-like grip on me. What am I going to do? I can’t get away. As if my unspoken question is answered, Jacob is pulled off of me. I collapse to the ground, taking deep gulps of fresh air. I’m trembling, and I hear yelling above me. I look up and see black clothing.
“If you ever touch my wife again, I will kill you where you stand. Are we clear?” Gable has Jacob by the throat with one hand. Jacob’s face is bright red from lack of oxygen.
“Are we clear?” Gable’s voice is pure viciousness. It scares me because I’ve never heard him speak that way.
Jacob’s face is now blue and his eyes are red from the blood vessels breaking. He can’t kill him in this office. What will happen to Gable? He can’t go to jail. I leap to my feet and begin to pull his hand away from Jacob’s neck.
“Gable, let him go.” I plead. “Let him go, Gable.” His hands and arms are as hard as a statue. “Gable!” I scream, and he finally lets him drop to the ground.
Jacob is coughing, heaving, and trying to breathe all at the same time. He is writhing in pain on the floor. The blue of his face begins to fade to red, then pink. Gable grabs him by the tie and throws him back up against the wall. Gable grips my left hand and shoves it Jacob’s face.
“Did you see this? Do you?” Gable’s tone makes me want to hide under the desk. Jacob nods as Gable forces him to look at my wedding ring. “As long as Dream is my wife and wears this ring, you don’t come near her. Are we clear?”
“Yes.” Jacob gasps for air.
Gable drops my hand. “Dream, get your things; you’re done working for Jacob.” Gable’s hard gaze never leaves Jacob’s eyes.
I grab my phone, purse, and bag. When I look up, Bruce and Leo have guns facing both of the bodyguards.
“Leo, take Dream now,” Gable orders. Leo drops his gun as Bruce pulls another from his waistband, pointing it at the one Leo was. Leo takes my hand.
“No,” I inhale. “Not without you, Gable.”
“Dream.” Gable commands me with one word.
“Dream, come on.” Leo tugs my arm and drags me behind him out to the Lexus. He almost shoves me into it. As we race away from Matherson’s Printing, everything goes black.
My head hurts as if I have the world’s worst hangover. I groan and roll over onto my side to help ease the pain. I open my mouth, but it’s tight and painful. When I touch my left cheek, I wince, and the memories of Jacob and Gable flood back.
“Gable.” I quickly sit up and I realize I’m in his room. I’m at Butler Mansion.
“I’m here.” I spin to see him rising up from the white chair in the corner. “I’m right here.” He sits on the side of the bed.
“I…I…” What am I trying to say? Thank you for saving me? I hate you were right? What happened to Jacob?
“It’s okay.” His deep voice soothes me, as if he knows my brain is going into overdrive. “I’m right here; I’m not leaving you.” He holds my hand and I break down again.
I throw my hands around his neck and hold him with all the strength I have left. He saved me, like he said he would.
“Dream, calm down. You’re shaking,” Gable whispers softly. “Let me get the doctor, okay.” He releases me and reaches for his phone on the nightstand. “She’s awake.”
“Gable, what happened to-”
“Sshh,” he tucks a strand of my hand behind my ear. “I’ll tell you everything after you get checked out.”
I open my m
outh to argue with him because I want to know now, but Leo walks in a tall, slender woman who looks to be around sixty.
“Jane.” Gable stands and shakes her hand. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, Gable.” She sits on the edge of the bed. “Hello, Dream. I’m Dr. Jane Bell. How are you feeling?”
“Like someone tried to break my jaw.” I glance at Gable’s eyes and see the rage return.
“Let me check you out, all right?” She smiles
I nod. Dr. Bell begins to feel around my jaw and cheek. She asks me numerous times to open and shut my mouth, which I do. There’s no real pain, just tightness slight soreness.
“I don’t think anything is broken, but you’re going to have bruising. I suggest ice for your cheeks and the back of your throat is a little red. Try to drink some green tea with honey. It will soothe that.” Dr. Bell pats my leg and stands up.
“Jane, be sure to bill me for your time here and whatever else, too.” Gable tells her.
“You’re too kind, Gable. I’m sure we can work something out. Nice to meet you, Dream.” She nods at me again and Leo escorts her out.
“I guess I look pretty bad.” I pull the covers closer to my chin and burrow deeper into the bed.
“You’re stunning.” Gable sits down again near me.
“Tell me.”
He takes my hand and grins. “I love you.”
“I hate you.” I answer back. “Don’t think because you saved me that I’m ready to pick up where we left off. You put me in this position, and you’re still a liar.”
His face drops. “I know.”
“Tell me.”
“I was coming to get you, when Leo conferenced me into your call. By the way, very smart.” He squeezes my hand. “Anyway, I walked in and saw him pinning you against the wall, and I…lost it.” He shrugs as if I should know what that means.
“And nothing.”
“Gable, I’m not in the mood for games. What happened after Leo took me out of the room?”
“I broke Jacob’s nose and told him never to come around you again. As I was leaving, Leo called and said you had passed out so I called the doctor. That’s it.”