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DREAM Page 12
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Page 12
Gable drops my hand and stands. He walks over his window and stares out there for a moment. I don’t want to push him anymore than I already have. I remain planted against the desk. Several moments pass before Gable’s shoulders drop and he comes back over to me, resuming his seat.
“I wanted to have sex with you last night,” he finally tells me.
“For the first time, and I really mean it, I wanted that, too,” I take his hand again.
“I need to make your first time special, and throwing you on top of the bathroom sink isn’t romantic.” Gable’s voice is firm, but I hear the humor in it.
“Well, it would have been different than what I’ve read about.” I tease him. “Plus, considering we’re a unique couple, it would add to our awesomeness.”
Gable’s dimple appears with his smile. “Awesomeness? Is that how you describe us?”
“Awesomeness. Greatness. Epicness. I can go on and on.”
He chuckles. “There are a lot of ‘nesses’ in there.”
I shrug, still giggling. Gable tugs on me and I sit on his lap.
“I’m sorry I pushed you away. I didn’t know what else to do.” He snuggles his nose into my hair, whispering in my ear.
“Talk to me. I’m not a mind reader, and I know we both like each other.”
“I don’t want to push you.”
“Excuse me.” I lean back and touch his cheek. “I’m pretty sure I took off your shirt and was trying to get into your pants.”
He brushes his lips against mine.
“Did you want me in your pants?” I’m still teasing him.
“I already said I did, but I’ll make it special.” He kisses me, but leaves me too soon.
“Have you been with a lot of woman? You and I have never talked about it, although, we’ve never discussed sex either.” I don’t want to leave his lap. I’m too comfortable.
“Not a lot.”
“That’s not a number. Is it more twenty?”
Gable rolls his eyes. “Much less.
“Is more than ten?”
He shakes his head. “Five. My number is five.” He confirms.
“Fewer than I’d thought.”
“Now, I have a question for you.”
“My number is zero.” I wink.
“I know. However, what have you done with guys?”
“Well,” I focus to our hands entangled with each other. “I’ve done a lot of things, but the big finale. Does that make sense?”
“Yes. Have you been with a lot of guys?”
I quickly think of brief sexual experiences. “Three.”
“More than I thought. I figured it was only Douglas.”
I giggle. “I’m not a prude.”
“Never crossed my mind.” His blue eyes are bright again.
“You want my first time to be special?” My voice is low.
“I want all of our times together to be special, Dream. I really care about you.”
I lay my forehead against his. “I know, and thank you for caring.”
“You’re welcome, and thank you for the same thing.” He kisses me.
I moan with pleasure as my tongues slides into his mouth. He let’s go of my hand and puts it on my thigh. We continue kissing then Gable moves down my jaw and neck. He nips on my collarbone. I lay my head back and release a deep breath of pleasure.
“I wish your skirt wasn’t so tight.” Gable mumbles against my skin.
“The reason for it is because it makes my ass look fabulous.” I giggle again and Gable bites my neck. I squeal with laughter.
Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Who is bothering us?” Gable grumbles.
“That Mr. Butler is my warning. It’s now time to go back to work.” I pout.
“Thank you for coming over.”
“How about you pick me up at Matherson Printing around five? We could go home and have a quiet evening.” I kiss him quickly.
“I will be there.”
As the new equipment arrives at Matherson Printing, I’m amazed to see how nervous a lot of the employees look. They almost look scared to touch anything. I try to encourage them and tell them they’re doing a great job, but they’re constantly glancing up at the security guards. I being to realize Jacob Matherson’s name runs deep with fear and angst within the community. I don’t feel comfortable here myself and I understand the their issues.
I check my watch and it’s almost five. Gable sent a text already stating he’s on his way. I told Leo to go home, but he told me he’d wait for Gable to show up. I feel a little safer with Leo out there. I know nothing will happen to me with him nearby.
As the staff leaves, and the guards remain, I retreat to the office for a few moments of silence while gathering up my items. I download all the files to my flash drive, pick up the other files, and shove them into my messenger bag.
“Dream, how are you dearest?”
I look up to see Jacob is in the office with two bodyguards. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Something doesn’t feel right.
“Jacob, lovely to see you again,” I hurriedly finish packing. “Gable will be here in a moment, and I need to get going. Is there something I can help you with real quick?” I keep my voice calm and a fake smile plastered on my face.
“I came up to see the new equipment and to tell you what a great job you’re doing.” He sits down in the chair across the desk.
“How kind of you. There’s still more to be done. Did you get my projected numbers for the next quarter?”
“I did. It seems like it should do well.”
“Yes. The holidays will really push you over, especially with the faster equipment. Customers will be excited to have their Christmas cards more quickly.” I scan the room looking for potential escape routes.
Wait…wait…maybe I’m over reacting. Jacob is a friend of Gable’s and he told me I could trust him. I need to give him the benefit of doubt.
“I’m going to have more merchandise delivered here tomorrow morning. It will be in the back, in wooden crates. I don’t want them messed with.” Jacob’s voice is cold and distant, and…scary.
“I’ll let everyone know.” My heart drops into the pit of soul and my hands become clammy. I know that the delivery isn’t going to be anything legal. I can feel it.
“What are you taking home with you?”
Jacob stands and meticulously moves towards me. “What is in your bag?”
“Files and work I need to go over.” I answer.
“You left here the other day with a several files, what were those?” He steps closer to me.
“Old files. Mainly pervious employees and the accounting.” I don’t back up. I stand my ground, no matter how bad my knees are shaking.
“What are you doing with them?” he continues his stalk over to me.
“Seeing where the company went wrong, making sure all the expenses aren’t outweighing the profit, and all the employees’ files are updated.” I clutch my messenger bag tightly.
“What’s with the twenty questions, Jacob?”
My body relaxes as Gable walks into the room and over to where I’m standing.
“I’m simply asking about my company’s files, Gable.” He narrows his eyes slightly.
Gable positions himself in front of me. “Didn’t you hire Dream to do a job and all it entails? I suggest you let her do it.”
“I hired her because you suggested it.” Jacob’s tone is still cold.
“Yes, and if you trust me then you need to trust her.”
“Trust is something you have to earn from me and she hasn’t yet. We all know what happens when I don’t trust someone.” His voice is laced with malevolence and malice.
“First, don’t threaten my wife and second, don’t forget who you are talking to.” Gable’s tone almost scares me and they’re nose-to-nose.
I’m nervous about what Gable means and what’s going to happen, but Gideon jump
s in between them.
“Now, come on guys. We’re all friends here. It’s late and I’m sure we just want to go home after a long day. Am I right?”
Jacob is the first to back away from Gable, and for a moment, I think Jacob looks a little scared.
“Just make sure those files don’t end up in the wrong hands.” Jacob glances at me before turning and walking out of the office.
“Gable.” Gideon sighs and shakes his head.
“Shut up.” Gable barks at him and it makes me jump. “I don’t want to hear a fucking thing from you.”
Gideon throws his hands up and walks away from us. Gable spins toward me and cups my face in his hands.
“Are you okay?” The concern is written all over his face.
“Yes,” I choke out.
“Do you have everything you need?”
I nod.
“Let’s head home.” He takes my hand and leads me out of the building.
I’m thankful on the ride home that Gable and Gideon are quiet. My blood is still pumping quickly through me from the fear, and I need to calm myself down.
The three of us walk into the house and head straight toward the kitchen. We all need a drink. Misha looks at our faces and quickly pours two glasses of bourbon a glass of red wine for me. I’ve never been so thankful to see wine.
Gideon slams back his drink and gets up to leave.
Gideon stops, his back to his brother and after a moment turns back around to him.
“Do you really want me to express my feelings right now?”
Gable swivels in his seat, crosses his legs, and casually leans back on the bar to stare at Gideon. “Yes.”
“Fine,” Gideon throws his hands up in the air. “I think you’ve lost your touch. I think you’re so busy trying to get into Dream’s pussy that you’ve forgotten who you are. Let’s not forget, you just threatened Jacob Matherson and you and I both know his background. You don’t care about anything but Dream anymore.”
My mouth drops at Gideon’s words, and Misha’s face pales.
“Anything else?” Gable asks too calmly.
“For the moment, yes.” Gideon crosses his arms and stares his brother down.
“Well, let me enlighten you about something.” Gable continues in the same tone as his relaxed pose. “What I do with or without Dream’s pussy is none of your concern, and if you speak about her like that again, I’ll be sure to show I haven’t lost my touch at all. As for Jacob, you may need to be reminded who put him where he is today. Shall I refresh your memory?”
“No,” Gideon quickly answers.
“I don’t know what your problem is, Gideon, but fix it, and fix it now.”
Gideon’s eyes briefly flick to me and then back to Gable. “I don’t trust her. I don’t trust, Dream.”
I gasp. How can he not trust me? What the hell have I done to him?
“I’m well aware of your concerns with Dream, but she’s my wife, and I trust her. That’s all that matters.” Gable defends me.
“Does it?” Gideon yells at him. “Not all of us are hiding behind spousal privilege, Gable. She’s Ulrich Jackson’s daughter. Did you forget who her father was?”
I’m not breathing. Who is my father? He was a good man who may have made some financial mistakes, but that doesn’t change who he really was. They’re talking about me as if I’m not sitting three feet from them, and I hate it.
“Again, I’m well aware of whom Dream’s father was and the deals I made with him. I’m not hiding behind anything.”
Deals? What deals? Our marriage is the one deal he made, isn’t it?
Gideon holds up a finger. “One crack in your foundation and your empire will fall.” He points to me. “She’s going to be your downfall.” He holds firm in place, still pointing his finger at me, before he finally walks away from us.
“Misha,” Gable doesn’t move from his position. “I don’t think we’ll need you tonight.”
“Okay, Mr. Butler.” Misha bustles from the room.
I’ve not moved from my seat or, I think, taken a breath since Gideon got ready to leave. I’m still staring at the back of Gable’s head.
I’m trying to process everything that just happened in front of me. Gideon and I don’t get along, but I didn’t realize that he didn’t trust me. His statement shouldn’t shock me. I don’t fully trust him either.
My curiosity turns to my dad and Gable’s comment about Jacob. What is Gable not telling me? Is he hiding behind our marriage and the fact I can’t testify against him in a court of law? Is he doing something illegal with Jacob? Has he before?
Gable clears his throat, facing forward on his stool, and finishes his drink in one gulp.
“I’m going to take a shower, and change into something more comfortable.” He stands and kisses my cheek. The smell of bourbon and the coolness of the liquid burn my cheek.
I open my mouth to say something, anything at this point, but nothing comes out. I watch Gable leave me alone in the kitchen.
I’m at a loss for words, and I can’t think. What the hell is happening? If someone had told me six months ago this is where I would be right now, I would have laughed in their face. Now, look at me.
I rub my temples and think about what steps I need to take. I like Gable. That’s been established already and I know he cares for me. Hell, we both wanted to have sex last night in the bathroom, so I can check off sexual desire off the list of trust, too.
I don’t trust Gideon or Jacob. There’s something there I can’t pin down, but I know it’s something. The only reason I took Jacob’s contract was because of Gable and Gideon is his brother so I know I’ll be around him a lot.
Then there’s my dad. I have never doubted my dad or his work, but now I’m wondering if there’s more to this story that I’m getting. What deals were he and Gable involved in? Do they involve me or JE?
I need answers and I need them now. I leap up from my stool and head to Gable’s bedroom. I sit on the edge of the bed and wait for him to finish in the shower. He’s going to talk to me and he’s going to do it now.
I don’t have to wait long. A few moments after entering the bedroom, Gable steps out of the bathroom. His white towel tucked securely and low on his hips. His blonde hair is slicked back.
“Dream.” He nods at me and walks over to his dresser. “Something I can help you with?”
“We’re going to talk,” I inform him.
“We talked this afternoon. What do you want to discuss now?” He opens the drawer and pulls out a pair of black boxer briefs.
“Gable, I’m not playing right now.” I raise my voice. “We’re going to talk and we’re going to do it now.”
“May I get dressed first?”
“Of course, but we’re going to talk.”
“I know.” He gathers his clothing items and changes in the bathroom. A moment later he steps out in black silk pajama bottoms and a black t-shirt. “Let’s talk, Dream.” He goes to his side of the bed and rests his back against his pillows and headboard. I turn around and sit cross-legged on the bed facing him and my back on the footboard.
“I want the truth, Gable. No more bullshit.”
“Ask your questions and I’ll answer them truthfully.”
“How do know Jacob?” Let’s start there.
“Jacob and I grew up together. He was actually one of my best friends throughout school. I went off to college and he went his way.”
“Criminal activities?”
“Yes. He wasn’t very good at it, though. He kept getting caught.” Gable chuckles.
“What changed?”
Gable grows serious and looks away from me. I don’t think he’ll answer the question and I’m close to letting my anger unleash and yell at him when he turns back to me.
“It changed because he started working for me.”
“I don’t understand.”
“When I got out of college, I didn’t have any job offers. I was a bad kid and even though I had stra
ightened my life out a bit, it still hung over my head. I needed to make money and I did that by doing favors for people. When I would go out on these jobs, I started taking Jacob with me. I was like his mentor. A couple years later, after I had saved up a lot of money, I started Butler Corp and Jacob took my spot doing favors.”
My mouth is dry. My brain instantly goes to the worst scenarios thinking Gable is some sort of Tony Soprano. He can’t be. Gable is nice, kind, and good-hearted. I can’t see him hurting someone or even…killing them.
“Is that why Jacob flinched today in the office?”
Gable shrugs. “It’s possible. He knows I can be dangerous at times.”
“Did you hurt people?” My voice is a whisper, scared for the answer.
“Did you ever kill anyone?”
“I won’t answer that.” Gable shakes his head, and in my heart, I know that means yes.
“Why doesn’t Gideon trust me?”
“I told you before, Dream, Gideon doesn’t like change.”
“He said I’m your downfall; what did he mean?”
Gable takes a deep breath and looks away again. I know he’s thinking hard about his answer and it’s causing his jaw to pop under his beard.
“All right.” Gable scoots over to the middle of the bed and crosses his legs. He pats the middle of the bed in front of him. “Sit here.”
I cautiously move to where he wants me.
“I’m going to lay everything out right now. Then you can make the choice to stay or to go. However, you need to remember that I’m telling you this because I trust you and not because of some law where you can’t testify against me. Are we clear?”
I nod and I clasp my hands together to stop them from shaking.
“I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of. I’ve told you this already. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, and I’m trying to turn it around, now. My parents raised Gideon and I to be good kids, but we grew up in a tough neighborhood and didn’t have the luxury of growing up in a big mansion and with lots of money and opportunities. I went to college because I received a scholarship, but after that, I had nothing and I needed to make money. That’s why I did what I did.
“When I started Butler Corp, I had high hopes for it. I knew that I could make something of myself that didn’t involve anything illegal. The problem was I wasn’t making any money. I couldn’t get Corp off the ground. I finally figured out that people wanted security guards, bodyguards, and protection. I could do that, and I knew friends that would too. That’s when I met Ulrich.”