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DREAM Page 11
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Page 11
I copy all the files to my flash drive and gather up all my papers to head home. It’s after seven, and Leo has been sitting outside for the last hour. Once the computer is finished copying everything, I shut it down and shove everything into my briefcase and head out of the office.
There are four security guards sitting in the lobby. The largest of the four men stands and opens the front door for me without saying anything. I smile politely and head to Leo and the waiting Lexus.
Leo looks a bit tense, but he remains silent as he takes me home. I answer emails from my phone, and before I know it, we’re pulling into the driveway.
I head to my bedroom and kick off my heels. All I want to do is change into something comfortable and grab something to eat.
I send a text to Gable when I’m done. He sends a quick response to tell me he’s in the kitchen. I rush down to him. I’d thought about him of an on all day. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as the elevator descends to the first floor. When I reach him, he’s in his black pants and black dress shirt without the tie, eating a bowl of soup.
“There’s more on the stove.” He points over to the other side of the room.
“Need anything while I’m over here.” I ladle the vegetable soup into a bowl.
“I’m fine.”
I grab a bottle of water and head over to him at the breakfast bar.
“I’m taking it you had a long day.”
“I did.” I give his cheek a quick kiss. “Sorry about lunch.”
“It’s not a problem. Tell me about your day.”
I tell him all about my meeting with Jacob, the printing company, all the interviews, and the strange request from Jacob about the security guards.
“He’s protecting his business, that’s all. I have security for mine.” Gable stands and takes our empty bowls to the dishwasher.
“I guess, but they are scarier in person.”
Gable turns to me. “Do you want me to send a couple of my guys to shadow you?”
I laugh. “No, I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll make sure you’re protected.”
“Gable.” I stand and walk over to him. “If I feel unsafe, I will tell you first.”
“Okay.” He leans down and softly kisses my lips. “I need you tomorrow night for a dinner meeting.”
“I know.” I smile. “I saw it on my calendar this morning.”
He brushes his lips against mine. “Good. Now, I have some work to do. What’s your plan?”
“The same. I’m heading up to my room.” I push against him harder. He moans as his lips capture mine.
It feels right with him. I feel comfortable with his lips on mine as we stand in the kitchen, making out. Nothing’s wrong when I’m in his arms. I let the word divorce disappear from my mind and vocabulary completely.
“I have to work.” I finally break off the kiss.
“Okay.” He releases me and I go to my room.
About an hour later, after about four pages of notes, my burning eyes finally give in. I’m tired and can’t look at another number, employee bio, or anything in between.
I turn everything off and I head to the bathroom. Gable’s door is open and his light is on, but he isn’t in there. I decide to send him a text.
When I stroll back into my room, it feels a little lonely in here. I’ve enjoyed sleeping in the same bed with Gable. I’m his wife; and that’s where I want to be. I turn my light off, grab my cell, and go over to his room.
I’m going to bed.
I should have told him I’m in his bed, but I’ll leave that as a surprise.
I’m almost done. I’ll come say goodnight in a moment.
I sit my phone on the end table, pull the cover backs, and crawl in. His bed isn’t hard, but it’s not overly soft like my bed seems to be. I turn off the lights, but the bathroom light is still on and I settle into the bed, curling up on my side facing the door.
About ten minutes later, I feel how heavy my body is and I’m drifting into sleep. I hear the door open and Gable shuffling in. I want to open my eyes, but it’s not going to happen.
“Hey,” he whispers. I feel the bed dip as he climbs in. “What are you doing in here?”
“Do you want me to leave?” I mumble somewhat coherently.
He kisses my cheek and brushes my hair back. “No. I want you to stay right there.”
Gable chuckles and I don’t remember anything else.
“I’ve never fired anyone before. I felt like scum all day today.”
“Dream, you’re not scum.” Gable kissed the inside of my wrist. “Now, let’s have a nice dinner.”
“I thought this was a meeting.”
“It is, but it’s going to be a relaxing night.” The valet opens the door and I gracefully step out. I pull my coat tighter as the air is cold tonight.
“I thought you two were going to be late.”
I don’t have to look up to know it’s Gideon.
“We’re not late. Let’s get inside. Dream is cold.” Gable pulls me close to him and leads us inside.
The restaurant is quiet and not large at all. Gideon gives the hostess our names and she leads us to the corner of the room. A tall man in dark suit, stands and face us.
“Douglas,” I gasp and step away from Gable toward Douglas Colors.
“Dream.” Douglas gives me a hug. “I didn’t know you were going to be part of the meeting.”
“I thought it would be nice for my wife to be involved,” Gable answers with a tone I’ve not heard before. Is he jealous?
“Wife?” Douglas looks at me as I return to Gable.
“Have you been living under a rock? Gable and I were married over a month ago.” I giggle as Gable takes my coat and pulls my chair out.
“I must be. I hadn’t heard.” Douglas sits down. Gable is next to me, and Gideon is on my other side. “I did hear of your father. I’m very sorry. I liked him.”
“Thank you, Douglas.” I smile at him.
“I’m dying to know how you know Mr. Colors.” Gideon jumps in.
“We dated in college for about a year.” Douglas answers him. Gable grips my hand tighter than he usually does.
“Dated? Oh, you’re Dream’s ex-boyfriend and now we’re all here having dinner along with her new husband. This night is going to be fun.” Gideon sips the glass of red wine in front of him.
“Douglas and I ended on good terms,” I inform him. “There are no hard feelings, are there?” I look over at Douglas.
“No, none at all.” He smiles at me.
The waiter comes over and tells us the specials, and I order the fish. Of course, the men all order steak.
Gable quickly gets down to business. Douglas is the liaison for the company Gable wants to buy. I listen to their discussion and hear Gideon trying to sound important and chiming in. I’m not sure Gideon knows what’s going on, but he’s chugging the wine fast.
When the dinner came, Douglas turns the attention to me.
“How’s JE doing, Dream?”
“It’s doing well. It’s taking me a little bit to get used to the fact it’s mine and that Dad’s not with me, but all is well.”
“I had heard it was in some financial trouble.”
“It was.” Gable, again, jumps in. “Dream was able to turn it around.”
With his thirty million dollars, I thought.
“That’s wonderful. I always knew you were a hard worker.” He smiles. “I should say congratulations though, especially to you Gable.”
“I’m a lucky man to have an outstanding wife.”
“That and you were the one to finally break into Dream-world.” Douglas chuckles.
I stop chewing and my body tenses.
“Dream-world?” Gideon look puzzled.
I swallow my food. “Douglas—”
Before I can finish my sentence, he says it.
“Dream-world is what the guys called Dream because no one could get into he
r pants. I mean how many girls are still a virgin at twenty-three?”
I drop my fork, and it clanks loudly onto my plate. Gable starts coughing on his wine, and Gideon bursts into laughter.
“Douglas, I can’t believe you.” I clench my teeth as him.
“What? You didn’t keep it a secret; we all knew.” Douglas’ laughter dies down.
“I would appreciate if you didn’t talk about my wife in this manner.” Gable comes to my rescue.
Douglas opens his mouth, but he sees Gable’s face and it’s stone, and he looks dangerous. Douglas quickly shuts his mouth and knows there’s no room for an argument.
Gable turns the attention from me and discusses the business deal more, but I’m ready to leave. I’m uncomfortable, and I feel exposed.
It’s true I don’t hide my virginity, but I don’t broadcast it either. When the waiter comes back and asks if we want dessert, I’m the one that speaks first.
“No, and we need the check.” I know this is Gable’s meeting, but I’m done.
Thankfully, the waiter is quick, and I’m practically pushing Gable out the door. Once we’re outside, the car is summoned for us.
“It was great to see you, Dream.” Douglas hugs me again, and I return it with limp limbs.
“Same here.” You jerk rat, I thought.
The Mercedes pulls up and I jump in, opening the door myself. I slam it shut and try to keep my attention in front of me when Gable slides in next to me.
Tension is thick between us, and I don’t say a word on the way home. I don’t know why Douglas ratting me out embarrasses me, but it does. Maybe it’s because I’m the virgin sitting in the car, and I’m waiting for someone to make fun of me.
When Bruce drives up to the house, I spring from the car, because I don’t want to talk to Gable. I go to my room and drop on my couch.
Normally, Gable doesn’t chase after me, but this time he does. He didn’t even knock before he comes in. I eye him from across the room and he stares back at me.
“Want to talk about it?”
“No.” I cross my arms.
“I think we should.”
“I’m not in the mood.” My voice is cold.
“I think you’re being silly, Dream.” He comes over to the couch and sits next to me.
“Really? You think it’s silly my ex-boyfriend told my husband that I’m a virgin?”
“Dream, I already figured you were. I mean, I didn’t have proof or anything, but I had my suspicions. We’ve had a great week together. Please don’t let this ruin it.” Gable tugs on my elbow until I release my crossed arms. He takes my hand in his.
“I’m going to take a shower.” I stand up. “You need to change your shirt.” I know he hates sitting on my colored couch because it aggravates his OCD.
“Right now, I want my wife, and I want to make sure she’s okay.” He follows me toward the bathroom. When I turn, I see a twitch in his eye.
Oh, Gable. He’s trying to fight the OCD urge and I know it can’t be done.
“Close your eyes, please,” I softly beg him. Gable looks at me strangely. “Please.” He does. “Count to ten out loud. Each time you hit an even number, take a deep breath in and out.” He begins, and I run to his closet to grab a clean black dress shirt and head back before he hits number three.
“Open your eyes.” He does and sees I’m holding the shirt. “Change.”
“I…I can’t here.” His cheeks redden. “There’s too much…” he shakes his head.
I know there’s too much color in my room for him. I grab his tie, lead him into the bathroom, and shut the door. I don’t want him to see the colors. His body relaxes in the white bathroom.
“Don’t move.” I order him. I don’t know why I’m so demanding. It could be because I’m hiding my feelings of vulnerability. Maybe it’s to show him I’m not a weak, shy virgin that comes along with the stereotype. Or, it could be that focusing on him and helping him helps me avoid an uncomfortable discussion I don’t want to have.
Gable nods.
I remove his tie first. The simple red tie made of silk feels smooth between my fingers as I place it on the counter. I unhook his cufflinks, and I can feel his eyes on me, watching each move I make. I put them next to the tie.
I slowly, gently pull his black dress shirt to release it from his dress pants, and begin to unbutton each button. One side of my head is screaming to hurry up and get out of the room, but the other side is louder. It’s telling me to take my time, to enjoy the power I have over billionaire Butler. He may have controlled the terms of marriage, but maybe our bedroom wouldn’t be just about him.
Whoa…whoa… I hesitate on the button for a beat.
Do I want to have sex...with Gable?
Yes, or you wouldn’t be unbuttoning his shirt like this, one side of my brain yells at me. I feel a rush of sexual desire wash over me.
I’ve only been close two times to losing my virginity. Once, after my prom escort took me to his hotel room and I thought I had to because it was tradition. Leo saved me that night; I called him and asked him to come get me. He almost kicked the door in to get me.
The second time was when I was a sophomore in college. I had been seeing this guy, who seemed nice at the time. I thought at twenty, it was time to take that step.
He turned out to be an asshat and I wasn’t ready at all, certainly not with him. I stopped before we went very far.
Now, there’s Gable. My husband.
The urge is running faster and deeper; I want to rip off his shirt and pants, drop to my knees, and show him everything I want to do to him. Gable has treated me with respect and has never pushed me. He has stood up to his brother for me and told me he’ll protect me. He’s told me his secrets. He’s a good man.
I push the shirt off his shoulders and let it fall to the ground. I slowly drag my French tip manicure down his chest to the top of his belt. I unbuckle it and lift my eyes back to his eyes. Gable has a small smile on his lips and his blue eyes are bright. They are dancing around my face. I pop the button on his dress pants and unhurriedly unzip him.
I’ve given a few blowjobs in my day, although not many. Most of the time, the guy I’m with was finished before I really got into it. I have a feeling Gable isn’t the type to be that way.
“Stop.” Gable grabs my wrists.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No.” he shakes his head. “I don’t want to rush this. We’ve had a long night already.”
“No,” he cuts me off. “I’m tired.” Gable turns, goes into room, and shuts the door.
What the hell just happened?
Chapter 12
I tap my nail against my desk. I can’t focus on anything at the moment. Well…except Gable, that is.
Last night, he left me in the bathroom, and I slept by myself. I didn’t sleep much because I’d been restless. When I went down for coffee, Misha told me that Gable had already left.
I pick up my phone and look at the last three texts I’d sent.
Are you still upset?
I’m sorry if I’ve done something wrong.
Do you want to have lunch? You can keep your shirt on. Haha
He still hasn’t responded or called me. I rub my temples and try to figure out where I messed up on last night.
Gable needs to tell me what’s going on. I don’t like that he’s upset at me. I scroll through my contacts and call one person that can get me to him.
“Butler Corp, this is Joy Burns.”
“Joy, it’s Dream. I need a favor.”
I step off the elevator and Joy greets me
“Gideon’s gone all afternoon on a bunch of stupid errands I made up. I moved some appointments around which gives you one hour.”
“Joy, I owe you one. A big one.”
“Getting rid of Gideon for a while is payment enough. All he does is stare at my boobs. I’ll make sure no one bothers you.
” She smiles.
I nod. “Thank you.” I walk past her and open Gable’s office door.
Like the first time I was here, it’s still as white and bright as ever. I scan the room but Gable isn’t there. Joy had said he was. I’m about to turn and leave when Gable comes out of the door on the far left of the room, his personal bathroom.
“Dream.” He tone is confused and a little surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“First, you shut the door on me last night.” I gingerly walk over to him. “Second, you made me sleep alone. I’ve learned I don’t like sleeping without you. Third, you left without saying goodbye to me this morning. And fourth, you didn’t answer my texts.” I stand directly in front of him.
“All of those are true, but they don’t my answer my question.”
“I’m here to figure out what’s going on with you and to say I’m sorry.” I take his hand.
“I have an appointment coming.”
I smirk. “I’m the appointment, and I wouldn’t mind coming.” I feel my cheeks redden and Gable bursts into laughter.
“I may like this side of you as much as your humorous side.”
I giggle and guide him to his office chair and I lean on his desk.
“Gable, this past week or so has been wonderful. I thought that we really were becoming…well…more than friends. I know that sounds strange since we’re married, but I know you understand. So, talk to me, please. Are you brainwashing me in my sleep? Maybe you’re slipping me some secret potion into my water. Or have I succumb to Stockholm?” I joke with him, but he doesn’t seem to be into it right now, even though he laughed a moment ago.
He takes a deep breath and holds my left hand tightly. He twists my large wedding ring; I’ve not taken it off since the day he gave it to me.
“Don’t shut me out, Gable. I’m your wife. Aren’t we supposed to communicate to each other?”
“Yes,” he answers me softly.
“I’m right here.”