A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) Read online

Page 11

  I broke the kiss, and we both were panting. Thaddeus laid his forehead on mine, and I wanted to do it again, but I restrained myself.

  Too much, too fast.

  “It’s time to take me home,” I said with nothing but lust in my voice.

  Thaddeus nodded kissing my head instead of my lips. “Okay.”


  I had spent all day the next day thinking about something that Thaddeus hadn’t done. He’s never used his powers in front of me. I remember the day we argued and there were clouds around us, but that was it. In the time we’ve been together, I’ve caused an earthquake and lightning storms. I’m surprised that there was little damage.

  I sent a text to Thaddeus asking him to meet me at the backside of the park.

  About an hour later, I watched him coming towards me.

  “Why are we here?” He looked around seeing that no one else was there.

  “I want to test a theory.” I smiled at Thaddeus.

  He tilted his head trying to read me, but was unable.

  “You’re my Matched, therefore we’re equals, right?”

  Once a Matched couple was given the blessing from the King, their powers align and they’re considered to be equal in strength. I hadn’t seen or felt Thaddeus’ powers. “I want you to fight me.”

  “What?” he stood straight up. “I won’t do it.”

  “I want to see if your powers are as equal as mine.” I stepped closer challenging him with my eyes. “I mean, if you’re scared to lose to your Matched I would understand if you backed out.” I snickered as I taunted him.

  Thaddeus battled within himself on whether he should do this or not. I knew that he would, but he won’t hurt me. I trust him.

  “Fine.” He crossed his arms with the ghost smile on his face. “Show me what you got.”

  A surge of energy ran through me as I caused the ground to quake.

  “You need to do better than that.” He stomped his foot stilling the earth beneath him.

  It took me a second to recover. I had to remember that Mrs. Edwards said he controlled the same elements I did. I’ve been trained my entire life to handle my powers, and now I was going to unleash them.

  I commanded the stream nearby to wrap itself around Thaddeus as tight as twine, and I froze it in place. I winked at him in his iced cocoon. I watched his hands and arms turn red with fire and bust out of the ice.

  “Try again.” His eyes were cold as I felt my feet leave the ground. The small whirlwind carried me ten feet into the air. I calmed myself and silently commanded it to put me on the ground.

  “Ha, I’ve been doing that trick since I was five,” I teased him.

  I cracked lightning right next to him making him jump. It was the first real reaction that I got out of him. He shot the lightning right next to my feet causing me to scream out loud. My body flew up in the air, and I splashed right into the cool stream water. I came up gasping for air and saw Thaddeus laughing on the bank. I muster all the wind and air and slammed him into the water next to me.

  “You jerk.” I doused him with another small wave of water when he came up. I slip and slide on the mud on the side to get back to the level ground.

  “You wanted to do this,” he reminded me. “I told you no.”

  “I didn’t think you would drown me.”

  “I wasn’t.” He stepped closer to me.

  A rage spun through me as it seemed his blue eyes were mocking me. I slugged him right in the stomach with every ounce of my power in me. Thaddeus bent over next to me holding his mid-section.

  He waved his other hand and the ground carried me to the trunk of the tree. The vines around it locked me in place.

  “That was unfair.” He stood up and slowly strolled over to me.

  “Let me go,” I hissed at him. I tried to release the bindings, but they pulled me back every time I did.

  “No.” His face was so close to mine. The droplets of water rolled down his cheeks and hair line. “Are you mad because I’m better than you? Or that we’re equals?”

  I silently ordered the vines to release me, and they listened. With all my might I shoved Thaddeus as hard as I could, and he stumbled back.

  “You’re not better than me.” The ground shook beneath us, and the fury pushed through my veins. Thick dark clouds spun above, and he shook his head chuckling.

  With a wave of his hand, it all stopped. “I’m your equal, remember. Everything you can do, I can do too. I’m sorry you didn’t get that memo.”

  “I’m your Princess,” I growled at him.

  “You’re not the type of person to throw your title around. Besides, you’re my Matched first.”

  He was right I never throw my title around. I didn’t think it was proper, and I wasn’t raised to think that way; however, I was so mad at him.

  “What did you want to accomplish with this anyway?”

  “I thought.” I didn’t know what I wanted. I really needed to see his powers I guess. There was no set purpose for it. “I wanted to know.”

  “Know what? That I had magic in me? Did you really doubt it?” he questioned me with hurt in his eyes. “I’m not the type to will my abilities at command. I guess you don’t know me at all.”

  “You’re right. I don’t know you. Because I know that you’re hiding something,” I shouted it at him before I could stop myself. I pushed my wet hair away from my forehead.

  I studied his face, and I saw him flinch.

  “Thaddeus, are you hiding something?”

  He never answered me. He left me standing there, alone.

  Chapter 11

  Miami, Baby

  Another day went by, and I still hadn’t talked to Thaddeus. It had been four days, and I was trying to figure out what I was going to do. The problem was, I didn’t know. So, I went running. I pushed my legs as hard as I could through the trails and rugged terrain. The music from my ear buds banged through my body.

  On the trail, I had finally figured out that Thaddeus wasn’t talking because I was going to be Pushed Back. It was the only viable conclusion. He wasn’t talking to me. I had accused him of hiding something, and now I’m feeling really alone.

  I was exhausted by the time I got back to the house. I went through the backdoor and in the kitchen where the Edwards’ and my parents were. Did Thaddeus tell them that we had a huge argument? Are my parents mad because I didn’t come to them first?

  “Princess, how are you dear?” Mrs. Edwards’ smile was so bright; the lights didn’t need to be on as was my moms.

  Okay, so they don’t know.

  “I’m well. I’ll go upstairs.” I went towards the stairs.

  “No, we need to talk to you for a moment.” My dad’s voice made me halt in my tracks. They did know about Thaddeus and me.

  I turned. “Sure,” I tried to sound unfazed, but I don’t know if it worked.

  “Princess, we’re here to extend an invitation to you” Mrs. Edwards started.

  “Oh.” I was confused on where they wanted to invite me.

  “Thaddeus and I have a big meeting in Miami, and we want you to come. Canessa is coming too and your parents already gave permission,” Mr. Edwards stated.

  “Miami? Florida?” my mouth dropped. I’d never been there. I’d never been that far south.

  “Yes,” he confirmed. “We leave in the morning.”

  My jaw almost hit the floor, and then the realization hit. “I’m sorry I can’t, even though I want to. I have to work.”

  “I took care of that already,” Dad jumped in. “And you’d only be gone a few days.”

  “Thaddeus thought this would be a great way for you two to have a special getaway together. Even though he has to work through the day, you and I could explore the area when they’re busy,” Mrs. Edwards said.

  “Um, Thaddeus suggested this?”

  “If you’re worried about the room, we can make sure you have your own,” Mom interjected.

  Of course, my cheeks instantly went red
. Leave it to my mother to bring sex up.

  “So, what do you say?” Mrs. Edwards asked.

  I’d never get a chance to see Miami again. Even though I was still unsure about what was happening between Thaddeus and me. I knew he would be working the majority of the time. I could avoid him most of the time, if I needed to.

  “I’d love to go. What time do I need me to be ready?”

  “Right now, actually. We have to leave very early in the morning for the airport. You can just stay in our guest room. I’d hate to have to wake your parents so early,” Mrs. Edwards explained.

  I looked down at my sweaty attire. “I need to shower and pack.”

  “Why don’t you do all that and then go over to the Edwards? She can leave her car in your driveway, right?” Mom suggested.

  “That’s a perfect plan,” Mr. Edwards boomed.

  I nodded, thanked them and headed up the stairs.

  After a hot shower, I packed several outfits, and a whole bunch of shoes; Dad helped me load up my car, and I headed over to the Edwards’.

  I knocked on their door with my luggage around me.

  Maybe I packed too much?

  Then again, I had no clue what to wear, or what we’d be doing?

  “Princess, you pack like my Matched.” Mr. Edwards shook his head laughing. “She takes everything but the kitchen sink, I believe.” He picked up my bags. “Now, you’re going to be in the bedroom at the top of the stairs first door on the left. I’ll take your stuff up there. Mrs. Edwards is in the kitchen.” I smiled thanking him for taking care of my bags as I walked towards the back of the house.

  I gasped when I stepped into the room. Thaddeus was leaning against the counter eating something in a bowl, shirtless. I couldn’t look away. I hadn’t seen him without his shirt on. I mean I’ve never seen any guy without clothes on. Of course there were the models on TV and in magazines but never flesh in front of my eyes. I scanned his hard chest, chiseled six pack abs, and the divots in his hips where his shorts hung low.

  “What are you doing here?” He asked taking another bite of what seemed to be cereal.

  “Um.” I shook my head to regain my thoughts and looked down to the floor.

  “Guess this means you’re coming, huh?”

  I nodded.

  “Thaddeus put on a shirt.” Mrs. Edwards came up behind me. He pushed off the counter and went to the adjoining laundry room. “Your father and I are heading to bed, and I suggest you both do the same. We have a big day tomorrow.” She patted my shoulder as she walked away from me.

  When he came back into the kitchen with a gray t-shirt covering his chest, I turned on my heels. “Your room is the first door on the right,” Thaddeus told me.

  “Fine.” I was confused because I thought Mr. Edwards said the left. Maybe I heard him wrong.

  I went up the stairs to the room, but it was dark. I searched the wall for the light.

  “Here,” Thaddeus’s voice was a whisper and he turned on the light.

  “Wha—” I turned to him stepping further into the room. He stalked towards me and shut the door. “Thaddeus?” I hissed at him.

  “We need to talk.”

  I realized I was in his room. The walls of the room were bright white with royal blue trim. On the walls were skyscrapers from around the world. On the far side of the room was a large tilted desk with a sketch on a large white paper and some partially finished ones on the wall in front of it. Next to that was a large book shelf with books piled two rows deep. There were some next to the shelf on the floor too. A large bed was opposite the desk and the bedding matched the blue on the walls.

  “Please, may we talk for five minutes?” Thaddeus was pleading again.

  “Why?” I crossed my arms. “You ran away from me.”

  “You were mad. I was doing what you asked. You wanted to see my powers and I did that.”

  I dropped my arms because he was right. “Okay, I was a little bit upset. I know that I should be giving you more of a benefit of the doubt, but I’m,” I stopped. Do I tell him everything at that very moment?

  “Xaviera.” He took a step closer to me. “I don’t know what you want. Sometimes you act like I should just know, and I don’t, okay? I thought we were doing good getting to know each other. What do you want?”

  I felt my heart drop because he was right, again. I needed to listen to the words of Mom and Mrs. Edwards. Unit boys haven’t been in a relationship, either.

  We held that pose until Thaddeus finally spoke. “We need to go to sleep.” He stepped to the side. “Your bedroom is across the hall.”

  I rushed past him to the other room. I shut the door and laid on the bed embarrassed because I suck at being Matched. Maybe Thaddeus wasn’t hiding anything, and he was trying to adjust to everything that was happening to him too? I mean I pretty much turned his life upside down.

  Crap, I do suck at this stuff.


  Mrs. Edwards woke me after I felt like I just closed my eyes. I quickly got ready, but my nerves were getting the best of me.

  I was going to be on a plane.

  For the first time.


  Mr. Edwards and Thaddeus loaded up the car and on the ride to the airport I stared out the window trying to calm my nerves. I wished that I ordered them to stop at Gia’s first. Surprisingly, I wasn’t causing an earthquake or a huge rainstorm.

  I was shaking badly when I was going through security. I was almost afraid that they wouldn’t let me through thinking I was on drugs or something.

  When we were sitting at the gate, my legs were bouncing, and I couldn’t tell if I was breathing correctly.

  Thaddeus took my hand. “Relax, I promise you’ll be okay,” he whispered in my ear. “I promise.”

  When they called our flight, I thought I was going to throw up right there, but Thaddeus knelt in front of me cupping my face making me focus on him. “Take a deep breath and calm down. I promise you it will be okay. Hold my hand, okay?”

  I nodded thankful for him at that moment.

  Once on the plane and still gripping Thaddeus’ hand with all my might, I didn’t remain as calm as I wanted. However, he never complained and explained everything that was happening when the plane took off.

  When the plane leveled off, my insides didn’t jump as much. I looked around, and I was the only one that was acting like a basket case. Everyone else was calm and going about their activities.

  About an hour into the flight, I was more at ease having a book in my hands. Thaddeus was sketching in his book when he leaned over towards me.

  “Do you want to look out the window?”

  His deep voice made me shiver, and I assumed that he wasn’t that mad at me anymore.

  “No, I’m too scared.” I admitted to him.

  “If you fall out of the window, I’ll catch you.” He joked.

  I rolled my eyes at him, giving him a small smile at his lame joke. “I’m fine, thank you.”

  He chuckled going back to his sketch. My eyes gazed over at his book. I didn’t realize that he had a true talent. He was drawing a large building that I’d never seen before, but it was stunning through the pencil marks.

  The descent of the plane made my stomach flip over and over. I really didn’t want to be sick, and I was never so thankful to be on the ground when we began to get off of it. After the madness of the baggage claim and getting a cab, we made it to the hotel.

  “Okay, we have a small problem.” Mrs. Edwards came up to us with a large cart that held all of our bags. “I ordered three rooms; however, they have one room with a king size bed, and one room with two queen size beds. They don’t have a third room. So, Prin-, I mean Xaviera and I will take the king room, and you guys take the double.”

  “No,” Mr. Edwards said firmly. “No, no, no. I wanted to spend alone time with you, Canessa, and we’re going to do that this week.”

  “Ugh, Dad, I don’t want to know that.” Thaddeus’ cheeks turned red.

bsp; “Jax.” Mrs. Edwards touched his shoulder. “Xaviera might be uncomfortable staying in a room with Thaddeus, alone.”

  “They’re Matched. They wouldn’t be the first in Unit to have sex before their ceremony. Heck, they wouldn’t be the first to get pregnant,” Mr. Edwards said matter-of-fact.

  I hung my head because my face was on fire, not literally, because I was doing well controlling my powers, but it felt like it. Thaddeus and Mrs. Edwards told Mr. Edwards to stop it, and I want to crawl in a hole and hide.

  “With all due respect,” Mr. Edwards looked at me, “this conversation is over. Princess, I mean, Xaviera, you’ll be fine. Thaddeus be a gentleman. Canessa let’s go to our room. We’re all going to dinner in a few hours.” Mr. Edwards left no room for argument, and I can’t believe this was happening. I knew that if I threw a big fit, they would accommodate me, but I didn’t do it. Maybe because being alone with Thaddeus would help us get over this hump that we are stuck in.

  Mrs. Edwards handed us our key. “All you have to do is give a command, and we’ll listen.”

  I thought about it for a split second, but I didn’t want to ruin their weekend. I shook my head.

  “Thaddeus, if she says that you’re not on your best behavior I swear I will take away your car.” She pointed her finger right in his face.

  “I promise.”

  Our first stop was the Edwards’ room, and we unloaded the cart. Then Thaddeus and my room was a couple of floors up. We didn’t say anything, and my heart was pounding.


  Alone with Thaddeus in a hotel room.

  “If you don’t mind I’d like the bed by the desk.” He pointed to the far bed.

  I nodded because it didn’t matter to me. We began to unpack, and the silence remained between us. Thaddeus laid out several files on the desk. He unbuttons a few buttons from his dress shirt while going over the papers in front of him. I curled up on the bed with my book and relaxed.


  I didn’t realize that I fell asleep until I felt someone rubbing my arm.

  “Xaviera, wake up.” Thaddeus’ deep voice was soft and gentle.