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A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) Page 10

  “I know, but I at least wanted to spend some time with you.” He kissed my forehead, causing my pulse to race.

  “Sorry, but this was a girl’s weekend,” I firmly told him trying to hold back my laughter.

  “Ah, I do remember you yelling that to me,” he teased back.

  “That’s right, you forbade me to come. I do recall that.” I winked at him, and his signature smirk appeared.

  He leaned in closer to my ear. “I also recall that I haven’t kissed you in a very long time.” My body betrayed me, yet again, and it released a moan. “I’ll take that as you miss me.”

  “What’s with all this flirting?” I asked trying not to think about his lips on mine.

  “Am I that bad at it?” Thaddeus pulled back from my face.

  “Maybe I’m more surprised that you’re so good at it.” Actually, I’m very shocked of his current abilities. I’m sure I suck at the whole process, but he seems to be a natural. Thaddeus’ face fell a little, and I wondered what he was thinking right then. “Hey, what is it?”

  He was going to say something, but Gia interrupted us. “Ready to head back, or do you two need a minute?” she looked between us.

  “We’re ready,” Thaddeus answered for us even though I wanted him to answer me. I felt like there was something he was hiding.

  Chapter 10

  Getting to Know Your Matched

  The drive back from New York City was uneventful, but I couldn’t wait for the next time I traveled somewhere. The downside was: the exhaustion.

  Oliver dropped Gia off first. He took Thaddeus and me to his car and then he took Amaya to her house.

  “Did you have a good time?” Thaddeus asked as he took me home.

  “Oh my word, I had a blast,” I said excitedly.

  “I’m glad that you had a wonderful time.” He kissed the back of my hand while keeping his eyes on the road.

  Mom and Dad were both at work when I got home. I was thankful, so I could take a nap before they got home, and they bombarded me with questions about the trip. Well, at least Mom would.

  “Are you working today?” I asked as he helped me bring in all my items.

  “No, I took today off. Why, you want to do something?” He stood by the door, looking unsure of coming all the way into the house without my parents there.

  “Actually,” I gave him a sad smile. “No, I’m so tired right now.”

  “No problem. We’ll get together later.” He kissed my cheek.

  My cheek?

  We were alone in my house, and he kissed my cheek. In fact, he seemed to be acting strange since we visited the Empire State Building.

  “Thaddeus,” I said his name right before he walked out the door. He turned and stared at me with a blank expression. It’s the one I’ve seen on his face a thousand times growing up. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “I guess I’m tired too.” He shrugged leaving me standing there in my living room.

  I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of my soul that something was off with Thaddeus.

  Could he just be tired?

  I mean we all had been tired on the ride home, but I didn’t think that was it, either.

  Maybe I’m overthinking everything because I’m tired. I mean this is Thaddeus. He can be quiet at times.

  I didn’t think about it anymore. I gathered up all my stuff went to my room and headed right for the bed.


  Thaddeus: Sorry, I’m working late again.

  That was the fourth time this week that I tried to get Thaddeus to hang out, and he wasn’t able to.

  Although, I’ve never felt this feeling before, I felt like he was dodging me. As if he didn’t want to see me anymore.

  Could that be true?

  “Xaviera, do you need a ride home?” My dad asked me when I had punched out from my shift at the bank.

  I shook my head. “No, thanks. I think I’m going to walk.”

  “Where’s Amaya?”

  “Dad, don’t use that stern voice with me. I’m in Unit. I’ll be fine to walk a mile home.” I didn’t think he was going to let me go.

  “Okay,” he kissed the top of my head, “I’ll see you at home.”

  The sun washed over me when I stepped out of the bank. I tried to figure out what was going on with Thaddeus. Maybe he was that busy at work? I know he talked about the new project and how demanding the client was, so could I be overthinking this?

  Then again, we’ve not physically spoken since he left my house that day. It’s been short texts and nothing else.

  The click-clack of my heels echoed off the sidewalk. It’s been over a month and a half since my birthday and maybe Thaddeus realized this isn’t what he wanted.

  Do I feel the same?

  I like Thaddeus, a lot, and even though I know things about him, I don’t really know him.

  Is that our problem?

  Maybe we rushed through it?

  Should we slow things down?

  I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I kept walking in the direction my feet were taking me. I continued to think about Thaddeus, which led me to think about school. My final semester was about to start. It was shocking to me that I was this close to being done.

  I had worked hard to finish early. Between the extra classes and the few summer sessions, I could see the finish line. If I left Unit, I would need every ounce of work experience, education, and dime I could save.

  Where would I go if I did leave?

  New York City?

  The place was amazing, but I don’t think I could live there.

  Would I just move into the city?

  That’s what a lot of Unit citizens did when they left. There were always a few exceptions to that but only a few.

  What if I hopped on the first plane out of Unit not caring where it went to?

  I’m not sure I’m that adventurous. I would need a little planning before I left.

  Or if I left?

  I looked up and realized that my feet carried me to Thaddeus’ house. I had no intentions coming this way, none at all. I went to turn and leave when I saw Mrs. Edwards in the front yard watering her plants.

  My mom and Mrs. Edwards have been close all their lives, even more than just their professional relationship. They remind me a lot of Amaya and me. Gia was a close friend too, but I felt that Amaya and I were closer. She and I were polar opposites on some ideals, but that’s what gave us the strong bond of friendship.

  When I approached the house, I had a fear that she might not be able to answer the questions that I have. “Mrs. Edwards?”

  She turned. Her brown hair matched Thaddeus’ and was hanging loose around her shoulders. Even though she was watering plants, she was in a pair of khaki dress pants, an ivory color top and heels.

  “Princess, this is a pleasant surprise.” She stopped her task and walked over to me. She gave me a tight hug. “Thaddeus isn’t here, dear.”

  “I know, he told me. I was,” I paused. I don’t know if I should say anything. “I was wondering if I could talk to you.”

  “Of course, let’s sit.” She pointed to her bench on the front porch. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No, thank you. I’m sorry to come over uninvited.”

  “Please, you’re the Princess, my son’s Matched, my best friend’s daughter; you’re more than welcome to come over anytime.” She waved her hand. “What did you want to talk about? I’m assuming Thaddeus.”

  “I’m not sure if it’s proper, but I was wondering a few things.”

  “Well, with all due respect if I don’t want to answer them, then I’ll tell you. So, fire away.” She crossed her legs and faced me.

  “I have a feeling Thaddeus is hiding something and he is dodging me?” I was shocked that those words left my mouth. I actually asked it.

  “Mr. Edwards and Thaddeus have been very busy. This new client they acquired has been very demanding. Plus,” she paused for a moment, and I thou
ght she wasn’t going to say anymore, but she did. “Okay, here’s the deal. Thaddeus has a lot to prove because he’s Jax’s son. He’s fresh out of school, and he needs to show everyone at the firm that he wasn’t just handed this job. He needs to make them see he was given this job for his smarts and talents. Do you understand?”

  I nodded. “Thaddeus needs to show he didn’t get the job because he’s the boss’ son.”

  “Yes. You also have to know that Thaddeus is very hard working and determined. When he sets his mind to something, that’s it, he doesn’t see anything else until he’s done. He gets that from his father.” She smiled. I knew that she was as hard working.

  “I felt like he was keeping something from me. Like a secret.” I shook my head, unsure of how to explain my uneasy feeling.

  “Thaddeus isn’t the most expressive person sometimes. I think Unit girls forget something very important at times.”

  “What’s that?” I furrowed my brow at her.

  “Unit boys haven’t been in a relationship either. They’ve never kissed, dated, held hands, nothing before they were Matched. When Mr. Edwards and I became Matched, I was very selfish, and my mother reminded me of that too,” she explained.

  “Mom did the same to me when we talked about the kiss.” I felt my cheeks heating up as I said it.

  Mrs. Edwards giggled. “Just remember that Thaddeus is new at this too.”

  I nodded understanding that I shouldn’t be overthinking every detail of our relationship.


  There is a word I would have to get used to.

  “May I ask another question?” I needed to remain quiet, but my curiosity was taking over my rational thinking.


  “Dad told me the story of how we were Matched, but why didn’t you pick Amaya? You seemed to be close to her family too, and she seems more of Thaddeus’ type.”

  Mrs. Edwards looked away from me. I watched as she studied the pink and purple flower that bloomed on her front porch.

  “Princess,” she finally spoke turning back to me. “I’ve known you since the day your mother called me to say she was pregnant. I have watched you grow into this beautiful, smart, caring person. Amaya has a lot of good qualities about her. She does. But,” Mrs. Edwards collected her thoughts before she continued, “I have a firm belief if you stay in Unit you should follow the traditions here. Granted, Thaddeus wanted to leave, and I did convince him to stay. However, he still obeys the rules.”

  I remained quiet thinking over the words that she was saying to me.

  “Amaya has no regard for the rules. I think people should express themselves openly, but one shouldn’t intentionally hurt people’s feelings. Thaddeus and Amaya would have never gotten along. And besides that,” she leaned in closer to me, “I know that Thaddeus really loves you. Give him time, you’ll see it for yourself.”

  The gasp left my mouth before I could cover it.


  Thaddeus loved me?

  There was no way.

  The sound of Thaddeus’ car rolling into the driveway made my heart stop. I really didn’t want to see him or him know that I was poking around in his business.

  Thaddeus and Mr. Edwards got out of the car. Thaddeus has on a navy blue suit with a white dress suit and bright blue tie that hung loosely around his neck.

  “What are you doing here?”

  I couldn’t tell if he was mad or not.

  “She came to visit me,” Mrs. Edwards answered. “I thought you boys were going to work late?”

  “Thaddeus saved the day, and we were able to leave earlier than expected.” Mr. Edwards slapped him on the back with a proud smile. Thaddeus gazed at the ground. “Princess, you look lovely this evening.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Edwards. I should be going.” I turned back to Mrs. Edwards. “Thank you very much.”

  “Stay for dinner. I haven’t spent much time with Thaddeus and you since you’ve been Matched.” Mr. Edwards’ command boomed.

  “I haven’t cooked anything. I thought you two were going to be late, and Dina is over at the Johnson’s training again,” Mrs. Edwards said.

  “Then we’ll all go out,” he said. “I need to put these in my office.” He held up a folder of papers and Mrs. Edwards followed him inside.

  “Thaddeus, I’ll leave. I didn’t mean to cause trouble.” I stood up and headed around him.

  He grabbed my wrist stopping me. “Stay, I want you to.” I could see the truth in his eyes, and a small smile on his face. “I was going to call you and let you know I was off early.” His thumb rubbed the inside of my wrist, running a shiver through me.

  “I was here to talk to your mom. I wasn’t trying to intrude.” I look down at our connectionof his large hand on my small wrist.

  “You’re not,” his deep voice rang in my ears and his thumb circles against my skin.

  “Alright, kids, let’s go.” Mrs. Edwards came out, and we headed to her Mercedes. Thaddeus opened the door for his mother first, and then for me. I wonder if I’d ever grow old of the chivalrous act.


  Dinner wasn’t awkward, but it was different being with the Edwards’ without my parents. I guess this was something I was going to have to learn to do on my own. I was the future leader of Unit.

  Mr. Edwards had asked me questions about school and my future plans. I tried to answer everything as diplomatic as I could without stepping on anyone’s toes. Luckily, Thaddeus was there to save me a lot of the time.

  The greatest part of the whole evening; Thaddeus held my hand the entire time except when we were eating.

  The drive back to Unit was quieter and when we pulled into the driveway, I thanked the Edwards’ for a lovely evening. Mrs. Edwards hugged me wishing me good luck. Her talk helped me a lot, and I don’t think I could express how appreciative I was for it.

  “I’m taking Xaviera home,” Thaddeus said to his parents as they went into the house.

  Our drive was quiet, and I enjoyed it. I’ve become accustomed to Thaddeus holding my hand all the time now.

  When he parked in the driveway, he didn’t get out right away. “I’m sorry that I have been busy lately.”

  “I understand that you’ve been working. I get it,” I tell him. I figured that now was a good time to talk to him. “Thaddeus, do you feel that we’re rushing? I mean, I feel like we still need to know more about each other.”

  “Well, I didn’t think we were moving fast, but I do agree that we need to spend more time together.” He winked at me causing me to laugh.

  “Not just for the physical stuff, Thaddeus Jax.” I used his name like his mother did when she scolded him.

  “I’ve been able to kiss you once. Our physical stuff has been hand holding,” he reminded me. “So, what do you want to know about me?”

  I thought for a moment when I came up with an idea. “There’s a game I want to play.” He cocked his eyebrow at me. “It’s a serious game, not a joke.” I growled at him pushing on his shoulder.

  “Alright, alright, what’s the game?”

  “I’m going to ask you a few questions, and you just answer them without thinking.” I squeezed his hand hoping that he would play along.

  “Okay.” He adjusted himself in his seat and turned the car on. “Let’s go somewhere to play this game.” He backed out of the driveway and drove to the park.

  We got out and walked over to one of the tables. We sat on the top of the table looking at the scenery in front of us.

  “I’m ready, start,” he said.

  I thought for a moment of the questions because I did want to know things about him.

  “Favorite color?” I started.


  “Favorite food?”

  “Grilled cheese.”


  “All the Harry Potters and the books too.”

  I gasp. “Me too!”

  Thaddeus chuckled.

  “Where in the world do you want
to visit?”

  “Rome and Greece.”


  “I would love to see the history there. You can see it through the landscape and buildings.”

  I nodded in agreement because I understood what he meant. I could imagine myself exploring the ruins with Thaddeus.

  “Now, you answer the same questions,” Thaddeus said.

  “Pink, Lucky Charms, Harry Potter, too, and everywhere,” I said honestly.

  “I think I knew all that, already.” He kissed the back of my hand again pulling it closer to his chest. “Anything else?”

  “Are you still thinking about leaving Unit?” I held my breath. I wanted to ask more serious questions, but I didn’t know if he would shut down or answer.

  “Not as much as I did before.” His attention was in front of him, and he didn’t look at me. “You?”

  “I’m the same way,” I said quietly. I bite down on my lip as I asked the one question I wanted to know the most. “What did you think of your first kiss?”

  Thaddeus cleared his throat. “You mean our first kiss?”

  I nodded.

  “Well, I’m not sure how to describe it. I guess I would say that I was overly pleased with it.” He had a smirk on his face.

  “Have you thought about doing it again?” I whispered it so low I didn’t know if he heard me, even though I wanted him to.

  “Very much so.” He stood up and pulled me with him.

  Thaddeus lightly touched my cheeks before gripping the back of my neck guiding me closer to him.

  “Have you thought about it?” his warm breath tickled my lips.

  “Yes,” I managed to say.

  He closed the distance and covered my lips with his. The same sensation I felt the first time returned. My heart raced, my ears rang from my blood pumping, and I still wasn’t sure what to do with my hands.

  Last time I had left them on his biceps, this time I was a little braver, although a tad unsure. When Thaddeus dropped his hands to my waist, I moved mine around his neck feeling the softness of his shaggy, dark brown hair.

  The shock when our tongues touched made Thaddeus and I both moan. He squeezed my waist tighter, but I wanted him to touch me more.